Know Me Better

black and white me

Today I thought it might be a good idea to highlight a few of my earlier posts so that all of the new followers can get to know me a bit better.

Ron’s Time Tunnel fans, never fear,  I am going to point you to my favorites from that series this coming Wednesday.

Anyway,  before I go too far, let me offer a big thank you to all of the followers and viewers who have taken time to visit Ron and I.  THANK YOU!!!!

One of our newest and dearest blogger friends, Chevvy, described this spot as a ‘campfire,’ of sorts, where everybody can gather and share ideas, thoughts, memories, opinions, beliefs and stories.

My friends, I love that description; it’s exactly what I was shooting for!

Oh yeah, let me offer some clarification and a caveat:  If you have been reading my posts for any length of time then you have likely noticed that I tend to shift voices and perspectives from post to post–and sometimes within posts.  This is especially the case with the My Jams Series.  Here’s the deal, Lady G. WILL emerge, front and center, whenever she feels that ‘Gwin’ is holding back!

That said, Lady G is just another version of me.  Make no mistake, we are one and the same; except when we are not 🙂

Funny thing is, she recently staged a coup and made me replace my name with her name as the author on all of my posts!

That chick is something serious!

And so…

I submit for your review:

Foodie or Downright Greedy

High Drama Yasss

Me and My Sky

New Orleans:  My Home Away From Home

Imaginary Germany

The Magic of Music





***As the daughter of a U.S. Air Force veteran and in honor of my cousin Ron, who is also a veteran of the U. S. Air Force, let me say a special thank you to those who gave ALL !






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