Liebster Award: Part 2


Thanks for ‘tuning in’ to part 2 of Seekthebestblog’s Liebster Award 🙂

As promised, here are eleven facts about our dearest Ron along with his responses to the eleven questions that we both were tasked with answering.



Eleven Facts:

  • I was born in a small town in South Georgia.
  • I have one brother and three sisters.
  • I count things.
  • I think constantly.
  • I’m really very shy, but trying hard to overcome it. I even do some public speaking now.
  • I am a Christian and a Deacon in my church.
  • I have three sons and no daughters. I’ve always wanted a daughter.
  • I’m currently single but I’ve been married thrice.
  • I’m a retired Air Force veteran.
  • I drive a pick-up truck.
  • I’m a Paramedic by trade.


Eleven Questions:

  • Who are you? I’m a 6 ft tall, 250 (athletic) pounds African American male who likes reading and writing.
  • What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I’m a spiritual person but I also delve into the scientific and theoretical also. Psychologists would probably say that I’m in a state of Cognitive Dissonance, but I think I do a good job of reconciling any dichotomy that exists in my belief system.
  • If given a chance to be invisible, what would you do? Sneak into the White House or wherever they hide that National “Book of Secrets”. I want to know what they know!
  • What is happiness to you? Happiness is Love.
  • Your inspiration, and why so? My mother is my inspiration when it comes to educating herself at the age of 50, achieving her Master’s degree in education and becoming a teacher.  My father is my inspiration also, because of his educational accomplishments and his oratory skills.
  • What is your biggest achievement in life so far? Having and raising two spectacular sons, one of whom, is a graduate of Fort Valley State and is a Microbiologist. The other is an artist in his own right.
  • If you could start over, what would you change? I think I might have completed college before going into the military instead of waiting to earn a BS at the age of 54.
  • If given a chance to go on a date with a celebrity, who would that be? Kimberly Elise
  • Are you happy with your life till now? Yes.
  • Your favorite song? Work by Rhianna
  • What comes first, the egg or the chicken? Explain the reason. Here’s my dichotomy in action; If one believes in Creation, then the chicken came first, “God created the fowls of the air”. If one believes in evolution then the egg had to come first because, whatever mutation of the predecessor to the chicken occurred to make it what we now know as a chicken, occurred at the cellular level.


So there’s that!  Single ladies, did you notice that he said he was unattached! Um hmm!  🙂 🙂 🙂

Again, thanks for checking us out!  Don’t forget to join us this Thursday for “My Jams ’82” and Friday for the latest installment of Ron’s Time Tunnel.


20 thoughts on “Liebster Award: Part 2

      1. Lennon Carlyle

        Eeeekkk! I’m so sorry. I was at work skimming while on the phone with a client and thought you had a truck G 😂 Epic Fail! Why I shouldn’t read WP at work. Sorry Mr. Ron for calling you a Doll. How about Handsome? 😂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Well pleased to meet you Ron though I feel like I knew you before this introduction😀 Congratulations on your achievements. Yeah – I can see you like counting things: 3 ex-wives,3 children, 3 of you in your family – is that your lucky number? 😀
    On the education thing – whether formal or informal, I believe we learn everyday and never really stop learning so it’s never to late to learn. Finally, I think we need to do something about drawing out that shy side though it sounds like you’re doing well if you’re doing public speaking – something which most people are afraid of 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay Air Force – I was Active Duty for 18 years. A son who is a microbiologist – vey cool. And again congratulations on your degree, that takes some real determination and stamina to achieve, especially after having completed one career already. I too would like to know if there is indeed a “National Book of Secrets” and find out what is inside. Me and my boys also want to go to Area 51- just for a peek inside.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ron,
    You are so funny! A state of cognitive dissonance? No doubt about that but if you can reconcile it then maybe it is not that dissonant!
    Chile you know I fancy myself as ‘Lucy” sitting behind a cardboard psychiatric office doling out advice- a nickel a pop! So you might wanna take anything I say with a grain of salt! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

        1. ROTFLMAO!!!! I think her advice was pretty solid but I guess I better tell her ass to step off!
          You a mess! And that’s a good thing 🙂


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