Frolicking in the Moonlight


I am unequivocally a lover of the moon 🙂

Tonight I’ll get to see her, once again, in all her majesty.

The moon, in my opinion, is one of God’s most beautiful gifts.

And I’ve been nursing a crush on this celestial ‘mama’ for as long as I can remember.

I watch her.

I talk to her.

I dance ‘with’ her.

I read about her.

In fact, I adore Luna related folklore.

And so…

A few years back, while poking around on the interwebs, I ran across a little ritual for wishing on the moon.

After reading it, I thought, “Hmmm this might be fun to try someday.”

And, with that, I saved it for future reference.

Well it looks like future reference has arrived 🙂 and tonight Lady J and I are going to give it a try!

I’m listing the steps here just in case you’d like to ‘join’ us 🙂

Wishing on the Moon

Gather some pennies–some sources say 9.

Go outside and face the moon.

Spread your arms as if you are about to give it a hug.

Now, say:

You have said that when you’re around, prayers are answered, chains unbound, you promise that all one’s wishes shall come true.”

Now, visualize your wish as if it were already fulfilled.

Speak your wish out loud.

Then, throw the pennies toward the moon.

Now say, “Now take this token of my love as your silver light shines from above, please bring to me what I ask of you by harvest night and morning dew. So shall it be.”

Oh yeah, before you go forth, let me offer a couple of caveats:

First, as I said, I found this ritual on the interwebs.  Actually, I’ve seen it on several different sites; none of which listed the actual author.  That said, if you know, without a doubt, who wrote it please feel free to add that in comments and I will update the post 🙂

Second, I ain’t got no idea if this will work, so take it with a grain of salt.  I make no promises so consider it a form of entertainment ONLY and NOT a guarantee that your wish will be granted.



Tell me your moon stories in comments.  Better yet, if you try this or have tried it, let me know what happens/happened 🙂

Now go frolic in the moonlight!  Don’t forget to bring your pennies and a wish!

For my Corsican Twin, Gloria, who is now frolicking in the moonlight in Seattle–A wish fulfilled!

❤ ❤ ❤

31 thoughts on “Frolicking in the Moonlight

  1. Anonymous

    Indeed, what a great post! As a moon child (Cancer, and my name is Gloria, lol) and a moon lover, I can definitely co-sign on its magical power. Setting my intentions during the moon cycles got me all the way to Seattle. Unfortunately due to the rain storms in Seattle over the weekend, I was unable to see the Sunday’s Super moon. But, I did use its energy to frolic through town and discovered a delightful little yarn shop. I came home out of the storm with a bag fully of pretty yarns and knitted while the moon was hovering behind the clouds. So, we shall see what magical creations will come through…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Libra, and my name is Charles! LOL!!!!
      That’s my Sis Gloria y’all!

      So glad you dropped by my friend 🙂
      Sounds like you had a delightful time. Anytime you want to regale us with one of your moonlit Northwestern tales from a Southern girl perspective just let me know!

      Girl call me 🙂


  2. That picture is truly beautiful. I love the moon too, Lady G. You know what I used to love to do when I lived in California? I would go and sit on Manhattan Beach at night, drink champagne and look at the ocean and the moon. So serene.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw man! I would love to do that. Thanks for telling me about that. I’m adding it to my bucket list 🙂
      I always tell my children that the moon connects us wherever we are. I pray to be able to see it from many different locations-all over the world.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A @ moylomenterprises

    Sounds fun.
    May your wishes come true.

    I love nature in all its forms. The moon is no exception. We live right next to the ocean, so every once in a while we get to sit at the boardwalk and gaze at the moon in all her splendor.

    Such an amazing sight to behold as she appears to rise from the ocean in slow motion to take her chosen place in the sky. Our Creator is amazing! Nature is indeed His gift to us.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ronbrownx

    I’m always in awe of the moon when she sits on the horizon and the earth’s atmospheric effects cause her to appear humongous.

    What also amazes me, is the fact that, as written in this BBC article, “The simulations also imply that at the time of its formation, the Moon sat much closer to the Earth – a mere 22,500km (14,000 miles) away, compared with the quarter of a million miles (402,336 km) between the Earth and the Moon today.”

    Only 14000 miles.Thats like, from here to California and back! Can you imagine how guy He it must have appeared back then?

    Liked by 2 people

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