Belief in Coincidence?


Do you believe in coincidences?

I do.

And then again I don’t.

Say what Lady G?

Ok, I’ll admit that I have mixed feelings about the term ‘coincidence.’

I find it too sterile.

Seems too scientific.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Science, it has always been one of my favorite subjects.

However, at times, I find that discipline’s lens to be a bit myopic.

Simply put, human connection, in reality, occurs on a Universal realm that is ever so complex, and thus, cannot be reliably replicated through research.

Having said that, several years ago I read a book entitled When God Winks  by Squire Rushnell.

That book validated my own thoughts about ‘coincidence’ and ‘synchronicity.’

Rushnell refers to these as winks from God.

You gotta love that!


I’ve experienced  MANY ‘winks’ from God relative to bloggers that I follow.

The most recent one was with Kim from “Peace, Love and Patchouli.”

Here’s how it went down.

My daughter, Lady J, was selected to act as one of the narrators for her school’s Christmas play.

Her teachers instructed us to dress her in all black so as not to be a distraction from the play actors.

Well, Lady J and I hatched a plan to jazz that thing up!

Yes, she’d wear black….but not all black!

This elementary fashionista wanted a pop of color!

I agreed!

The morning of the play, I went shopping for a black top with black bottoms.

Got the top.

Got the bottoms.

Done and done.

My last task was to find the perfect colored piece to accentuate her otherwise boring ensemble 😉

Well as soon as I walked into an accessory shop, I spotted a purple hat –replete with all things sparkly!

That was the HAT!


Fast forward…

After getting back home and settling in from my shopping, I turned on my laptop to check messages on the blog and to try to catch up on some reading.

As I scrolled through my feed I happened across Kim’s post “Purple Hat.”

Now, I don’t want to spoil the plot, but I will say that it is a story of great courage!

After I read it, I knew that I had chosen the perfect hat for a little girl who would need to be brave enough to stand before an auditorium filled with people to narrate a play.

So I told Lady J the story of Kim’s purple hat and she loved it!

Fast forward some more…

Later that night Lady J ripped it while wearing a purple hat in Kim’s honor!


I hope that you will read “Purple Hat.”

And I pray that it brings you as much warmth and motivation as it has brought us!

Thanks Kim for telling your story 🌹

Much love and light to you all!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Lady G 😘💋

Remember, God winks!

PS:  Forgive the typos, Lady G is still recovering 🙂






50 thoughts on “Belief in Coincidence?

  1. Fabulous story Lady G! I love it!!! Want to hear my ‘wink’ this week? I’m going to tell you anyway!!! lol Earlier in the week, Anna Waldherr and I were talking, and I told her in relation to something she said to me, that I was working on something and if all else fails that I had a ‘plan B’. Well, blow me down if she didn’t write back and say that she had an upcoming post in the pipeline entitled: cue drum roll ……buddududududud boom! ‘Plan B’. Now how’s that for a ‘wink’?
    Now maybe that’s not up there with your ‘Purple Hat’, but it sure is not far off! :)))

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great piece Lady G!

    I dig what you are saying about science. A concept that goes hand and hand with “coincidence” is the concept of “cause and effect”. We think that one singular event causes another event in isolation. So we divide the world up into pieces, and when something else happens that is not a part of that chain, it is a “coincidence” , right? But cause and effect is based on one angle of vision. Let’s say, for instance you are peaking through a hole in a fence. You see a cat’s head, and then you see its tail. Scientific research would tell us that the cat’s head causes the tail and it is only a coincidence that it meow’d. No, it all goes together! We are all connected!

    Thanks for the wisdom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! Folks love to try to understand everything–you know…draw conclustions..etc.
      I just like the magic of things. I’ve had plenty enough ‘Science’ to last me for the rest of my life—at least until I need a doctor! LOL!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol – I feel you. Miss me with all that white lab coat stuff. Trying to understand everything ruins the fun! We need to just let some stuff be. And I agree … there are certain thangs that need to be in the hands of science. I am all for holistic medicine and trusting herbs and just getting some ol’ fashioned rest, but I think Western medicine does have some good interventions as well

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw, bless you Lady G and Lady J once more for bringing tears to my eyes, you are all blessings, and rocking that purple hat, wow, so honored my beautiful soul sister💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💕😊peace, love and all things amazing!!!! Kim💕💟☮💙

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I believe in signs, the Law of Attraction. Winks from God is a good way of putting it. It seems like when I’m thinking about something a lot, I run into it or something similar to it. I’m with you on the cold, unfortunately.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes, the incidents do coincide but they are definitely signs, symbols, messages from the universe which you have to be alert to. That little book “God Winks” was once like a bible to me and so many things happened in accordance with that good book.

    I couldn’t sleep this morning and switched on my laptop at 2a.m. As I did, I saw this email sliding in from my friend in Austria, She had just sent it with a very special message for me. So Darlin – while I’m still mulling over the message – I don’t know about a scientific explanation. More likely – I believe in the magic of the universe. Purple by the way is a good spiritual colour.

    Hope you’re doing good Lady G 😀😀😀

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello my beautiful Poetess!
      Now why does it not surprise me that you would have this book in your close possession?
      I am NOT surprised one bit!
      That’s just the type of girl you are!
      I know that you have followed up on many winks from God and they have brought you many blessings!
      And, your example of your friend e-mailing you during a sleepless time is just confirmation of such.
      The magic of the Universe is a wonderful descriptor! You know how WE love magic.
      And yes, purple is a spiritual color that is why I typically use purple font at the beginning of all of my posts where I feel the need to explain something or elaborate in advance 🙂
      Chevvy! You really are a treasure to me and I wish you all the best-as always.
      You are my sister!
      I’m always looking toward the Southeastern skies-sending you kisses!
      Blow me one back Sis!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey, it’s so cool to catch you in my daylight hours. I imagine it’s getting cold in your part of the world, while the heat disturbs our sleep.
        Yes, indeed, I have a little cerise pink book book called: When God Winks by Squire Rushnell and it was my companion through many challenging times. You would guess that I collect these kinds of books. 😀
        Btw, I’m doing some work for an organisation which will be having their next conference in your part of the world next year. While I might not be required to attend, it is not impossible that I might. Then I can see God blinking repeatedly girl!!
        Anyway – how do you think you chanced upon me ? – not by chance 😀

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        1. A blessing! That’s how I happened on you!
          Oh, how I hope you get to come my way! Much laughter and much fun will ensue!
          We’ll put it out into the Universe and watch it come back in the most amazing of ways !

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Speaking of blessings – I’m doing a second round of my book called “Magic” which takes you through 28 days of listing what and why you are grateful for and each day has a special focus. It’s just amazing how it helps you appreciate things and see things in a new light. In so doing, it helps create a positive outlook. Something, I think the world needs generally.
          For us, with all the challenges going on around us here, I am just amazed at a new power of the citizenry emerging which makes me hopeful for 2017.

          In the meanwhile – I’ve got a list that I have dispatched to the universe, so I might taste that Southern cooking yet! 😀

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        3. Is this the book by Rhonda Byrne?
          If it is, then God just winked because I was led to that book through another article– but then I thought, well what is the difference between that book and a gratitude journal?
          If Chevvy confirms with the answer then I’m off to the store to get that book 🙂
          I know that you guys have had some major challenges in S.A. so to hear you speak in that positive manner about change is really, really encouraging 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        4. Yes,Yes,Yes!!! – it is that book. I promise it’s worth getting it. I even named our dog after the book 😀 Though I read it a couple of years ago, my circumstances have changed so the exercises, help with fresh perspectives.

          As for our challenges – let’s say that 2016 has been a very eventful year. In the positive sense it’s good to see how much power we each have in our hands. Now go get that book girl!!!

          Liked by 1 person

  6. T. Wayne

    Wait…there were typos? I missed those…must be because I haven’t had my tea.

    Great post though…and I went to check Kim’s (one of my casualties of the computer being fixed was getting my blog list back together again). Loved her post as well.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awww…thanks Twin!
      As I answer you, it is pretty early the next morning so another cup of tea is coming due!
      LOL! Enjoy and savor it!
      I’m glad you liked this and Kim’s post!
      Hers was VERY inspiring to say the least.
      You know we’ll chat later 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Tareau Barron

    Must be a helluva cold man, dam. Congrats on ya daughter. I believe more in coincidence than belief. There are too many variables for beliefs in my live. I also think that certain things we can’t comprehend nor understand as humans.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It started out as allergies but then, as I have told some, then it took that left turn in Albequerue and I had to start on a new round of meds! The cough syrup makes me sleepy and loopy!
      Can you imagine me being more loopy than I already am?
      I totally agree with you on the human comprehension thing. It’s like we all have our little piece of something bigger and when we come together with our pieces something magical happens!
      How are you and your babies?
      Rayquan’s Fingerhut credit approval should be arriving just in time for Christmas!
      ROTFLMAO 😂
      Tell him Lady G said it’s ok to share! LOL!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tareau Barron

        Lmfao bugs bunny reference tho. Wow. See you was messing with the WRONG syrup. Mmm hmmm. Leave that promethazine alone lady g. Hahahahaha. Kids are fine. Rayquan was in trouble yesterday because he threw a toy train at me, so his finger hut privileges are gone. I did tell him Lady G said to share and I immediately got a train thrown at me. So it’s yo fault. I told you, that you are trouble smh. Get well

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Well tell Rayquan that LadyG is holding his FingerHut credit line in escrow until he can fully claim it.
          We wouldn’t want it to get in the WRONG hands would we T-Ro?
          Rayquan, next time run him over with a bigger train!
          The Lady will handle it!

          Liked by 1 person

  8. I don’t believe in coincidences. As you say, they’re all winks from God, IMO. Sometimes the wink is as powerful as a blatant message from sisters visiting me from the church, who have stopped by just to share a scripture with me, and them not realizing that it was exactly what I needed to hear at that exact moment (but He knew). Sometimes subtle winks, sometimes in-your-face winks, but there are no coincidences. ;D

    Liked by 5 people

    1. You are spot on Paula!
      Isn’t it amazing when you get those blatant ones?
      Sometimes we need them to be like that.
      And sometimes a simple wink will do!
      Either way, as you said, there are no coincidences 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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