Listen to Mama…


Mama throwing serious side-eye!

My 22 year-old son and I are very close.

We always have been.

From the moment he was born, he and I were inseparable.

I can remember turning down plenty of opportunities to go hang out with friends; opting instead to stay home with my baby boy.

People would say, “I know the perfect babysitter.”

To which I would respond with something along the lines of, “Well, I don’t know that person and neither does my son…so there’s that.”

Sounds harsh doesn’t it?

Oh well!

Anyway, suffice it to say, whenever my son (or my daughter) would ask to do things that were borderline ‘iffy,’ I’d think long and hard before deciding whether or not I would allow them to partake.

And, whenever I decided NOT to allow them to do something, I would explain, sometimes ad nauseum,  why I came to the conclusion that I did.

Then I would punctuate that explanation with the following statement, “Baby, you are extremely valuable and you cannot be replaced.”

That said, Mama watched them babies like the proverbial HAWK!

But then…

My son graduated high school and went away to college.

At that point, all bets were off!

He was his own man and I had no control over his choices.

My only saving grace was the fact that I still had influence.

Luckily, my son and I had always been able to talk about ANYTHING…and I mean anything.

He valued my opinion and often sought and listened to my advice.


He sought and listened to my advice…

Until he didn’t.

And that’s when I had to come to terms with the fact that this dude was now an adult who was more than capable of making his own decisions.

In short, I needed to fall back!

So nowadays, when he tells me that he’s leaving to go on a tour of the Moon and Mars, I just have to say a quiet prayer, be still, and know that God is watching over him wherever he goes.


Having said all of that, I recently told my son, “Listen to Mama…but just not too much.”

Friends, I said that because I want him to benefit from my wisdom and experience but not be paralyzed by my fears.

He got my point.

I hope you do too.

But just in case you didn’t…

Remember, whether you are seeking advice from Mama, Daddy, or whomever, use your own discernment.

Take what’s useful and kindly leave what’s not!

***Said the woman who has been white-knuckling her way through motherhood!


Love and light to you!

LadyG 😘💋

PS:  This is dedicated to my children, R and J, and for ALL of my “babies” in the blogosphere!  

You guys know who you are 🙂

This is also for every parent and child, no matter where you are in the process 🙂


73 thoughts on “Listen to Mama…

  1. What a wonderful post! As a mother, I understand every feeling you have. I was close to my children and had to watch them grow up, spread their wings and fly away…but that didn’t stop me from being a “mama.”
    Once, my son got a flat tire and was changing it. I was telling him to make sure he didn’t drive on that “doughnut” for very long…and so on and so forth.
    He finally looked at me and said “mom. I’m not twelve anymore.” I just said “you are my little boy and you will always be my little boy….even if you are a hundred years old!”
    We always want to protect them and guide them and that will never change…but sadly….we also have to let them take flight. 🙂
    Again, this was a delightful post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww..thank you so much my friend.
      The ‘letting go’ process is tough!
      And yes, your son is always gonna be your ‘little boy’ no matter how old he is 🙂
      I am so in agreement with your point about our desire to always want to protect and guide them; as you said, that will NEVER change!
      I really enjoyed reading your response! Thanks again 🌹

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Listen to Mama… – A Thomas Point of View

  3. tunisiajolyn84

    I love this piece of advice! I don’t have any children but I am going to take this note with me if and when I do have a little one cause it’s super wise, compassionate and also, I know I will be white-knuckling motherhood too. lol Thanks for sharing this!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post and picture Lady G! The bond between mother and child is truly beautiful. I respect that you cultivated and atmosphere where you could be approached about anything, as that is often not the case. It is hard striking a good balance between parent and friend, and too often I see folks doing too much on one side of the spectrum. I like that you know your limitations and when to fall back, and didn’t try to be like Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond lol. Good work my dear

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I felt the love! ❤😀 Thank you ☺ You’re my blog-mom lol.

        Thing is: I hadn’t even read your page in a few days and I still think we are on a similar wavelength with what we decided to write. You’ll see what I mean if you check out my latest piece ☺

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Lisa
      They do grow up way too fast…that’s why I’m always telling you to continue being the great mother that you are to your little boy because you’ll look up one day and he will be gone- having turned into a man!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This is a post which resonates with me. I think you echo and mirror the thoughts of every good mother who wants to allow their child the independence that is their right, but also shows how hard it is to cut those apron strings. You never stop being a mother (or father) – it’s not a ‘job’. it’s a vocation and good mothers do it because they have no alternative – you cannot pick it up and put it down when it suits you. And when you can’t ‘mother’ your adult child anymore, the only thing left to do is pray and believe your prayer will be answered. Great post Lady G! :)x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You feel me huh? LOL!!!
      Lady M, you are so RIGHT! Motherhood is full-time!
      In addition to prayer, we have to recognize that if we’ve done our job, our ‘children’ are well equipped to go forth and be smart, kind, considerate and productive people 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by to see me love 🌹

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always a pleasure to drop in on you Lady G. You might be a ‘lady’, but you don’t have no ‘airs and graces’. LOL
        I’m feeling you girl (please don’t take that the wrong way! hahahahahaha + hey haaaay!)
        Yes you raise ’em and you let ’em go!!!!! :)))

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Lady G, I have to admit I have been having such fun with Ron. I always thought he was so serious girrllll, but he’s a bundle of laughs and he gets my humour which always helps, I suppose! hahahahaaaaahhhhhhhhh

          Liked by 1 person

  6. ronbrownx

    I can co-sign on all you’ve said here Cuz. I can also attest to the fact that you’ve done one hell of a job! I know it’s been said that the job never ends, but then, it’s also been said that; “Once a man, twice a child”. If this little axiom holds any water at all, then it serves as one heck of an incentive to be the best parental role model we can be for our “children”. LOL

    Liked by 4 people

        1. Woebegone but Hopeful

          Wellll, it is for the present ‘ sept for ‘thumbs’ up; it just takes one look and twirls that circley thing around and around 🙃 😉 !!!

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Woebegone but Hopeful

          Then there’s this one . You’re trying to get a page (looking at you Microsoft Edge) and up comes the message ‘Hmmm, there seems to be…’. And then I either go Hulk-ified or Full Metal Jacket Gunnery Sergeant

          Liked by 2 people

  7. When I was a kid my parents used to go crazy with me because I would ask advice and then do my own thing. They would say why do you bother asking us? Now as I reflect on that I do exactly what you said. Take what you want and leave the rest.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. So well said! I will struggle so much when the time comes that I have to let go… heaven help me I don’t sink into a vat of depression and despair. I like what you tell your kids though, “You’re extremely valuable and cannot be replaced.” I will remember to use that and reinforce it. Great parenting advice, Lady G! xoxo

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you very much Paula! I feel every word that you just said. I thought I was gonna die! I still fret but not nearly as much as I used to.
      And yes, please feel free to tell your son that he is extremely valuable and cannot be replaced because it is TRUE!
      I think it helps them to understand why we have to make the choices we do sometimes!
      Always good to see you girl!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Wonderfully penned, i hear the plead, not that you what control only to be a part of…

    i too, a little similar problem with my daughter, nonetheless time does mysterious things, as time lives and breathes on it’s own..

    i see my struggle will probably not reach the end, i do pray an hope yours will be much kinder..

    hugs & kisses chris

    Ps; dear sir, talk couldn’t hurt!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Tareau Barron

        Why Thank you for “generalizing” my greatness with the common follower. *sigh

        On some realness though, I listened to your advice about my daughter and I will be emailing you shortly to tell you the deets.

        Liked by 2 people

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