20 thoughts on “An Urge to Grow

  1. We spend alot of time comparing ourselves to others. That’s a futile task, likely either to discourage us or give rise to false pride.

    Trees all grow at a different pace, to a different height, and to a different age. Some shoot up, but are demolished by the first storm. Some stand tall and stately, but bear no fruit. Some outlive those who planted them.

    God made all of us. However different we are, He has a purpose for each of us.

    “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands” (Isaiah 55: 12).

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  2. I also noticed a little bit of haiku in your post!

    “It is our Beloved’s Perfect Will
    that we expand and grow!
    Let nature be your guide”.

    Just a thought … (ok, the 5-7-5 syllable structure overlaps a little – who’s counting?! haha)

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  3. It’s funny that you did this post Lady G, because I have been looking (I mean really “looking”) at trees in the last few days and have been awe-inspired by them. Looking at those trees that have been here for generations with their wide girths, thick with experience and knowledge, stability and a sense of protection, and also that feeling of support and that air of mystery that surrounds them. Ok … I have prattled on enough!:) This is a timely reminder of our spirituality and connection to nature. In love and light, Marie
    ps. Have a great week my love …:)

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