I Don’t Like Kale!

And I don’t WANT to HAVE to!

Flat out…

I’ve concluded, after several attempts at it, I just don’t like kale!

I mean, I’ve done pretty much everything I could to make it tolerable to my palate!

Seriously, I’ve massaged it…

I’ve oiled it…

I’ve tossed it…

I’ve seasoned the hell out of it.

And despite all that…

I just don’t like it.

Well, I take that back, I do like it pulverized into oblivion in a smoothie.

Other than that…

I just don’t like kale!

Do you have a food that you feel kinda pressured to like?

In the words of my Southern playmates of yore:

“I said, I meant it, I’m here to represent it!”

I am a proud veggie lover who actually hates kale!

Good day.

3 thoughts on “I Don’t Like Kale!

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