Looking at Daddy

Multipics of Dad


And those who are wise—the people of God—shall shine as brightly as the sun’s brilliance, and those who turn many to righteousness will glitter like stars forever.

-Daniel 12:3

Somewhere, packed away in a storage box, there is a picture of me, as an infant, ‘sitting’ in a chair.

Now, if you were to examine the picture closely, you would notice that my eyes are intently focused to the right. I remember being told that, despite the photographer’s best efforts to get my attention, I would NOT look toward the camera.  In fact, my eyes remained locked-right- in a hard gaze.

According to my mother, people would often look at that picture and ask, “What was she looking at?” To which my mother would proudly respond, “She was looking at her Daddy.”

Believe it or not, all these years later, I’m still looking at my Daddy.

By the way, I can tell you from experience, that some folks have assumed that I’ve been looking at my father because he is such a handsome man.  Well, frankly, that has never been the reason for my focus.  Actually, I can assure you that it goes much deeper than that.

The fact of the matter is I am not looking at my father’s physical features as much as I am looking at his actions.

That said, I watched him get up early every morning to go to work in order to take care of our family.  He and my mother decided that she would stay home and care for my brother and I while he worked.  In my  Daddy, I see a man who is invested in the wellbeing of his children.

I observed him as he rescued and cared for stray dogs, cats and other injured and neglected animals. In my Daddy,  I see a man who has a reverence for all sentient beings.

I saw him mentor and give financial support (when possible) to family and friends. In my Daddy,  I see a man who understands and believes that we’re all in this together.

I notice him as he nurtures and shows love to his grandchildren.  In my Daddy, I see a man who loves being a Grandfather.

I witnessed him as he tirelessly cared for my mother until the night she decided to go back HOME.  In my Daddy, I see a man who was devoted to his wife.

Now, before I proceed, let me say that my Daddy is by no means perfect.  There were many times that he missed the mark.  But haven’t we all?

I once read a quote that said, “Strive for excellence, not perfection.”  And so it is with my Daddy.

In any case, instead of continuing to tell you about my Daddy, I’ve opted to give you an opportunity to look at him for yourself:

Me and Dad
Me and Daddy at my High School Homecoming (L).  Me, Dad and my son when I got my Masters Degree (R)



Daddy (Granddaddy) offering assistance to Superman
Daddy shaving his Daddy (My Granddaddy)
Daddy and Mama when they were both about the same age.

Happy Father’s Day to my Daddy and all of the fathers out there!

PS:  We love you Daddy!



21 thoughts on “Looking at Daddy

  1. From one Daddy’s girl to another…what a beautiful tribute. I am still grieving for my father. Our relationship changed so much in his last couple of years. It was difficult to see him as he was in the end. He was such a proud and strong man. He fought long and hard and I am thankful that he can rest at peace with my mother in heaven.
    When I was little, we had a Saturday ritual, And I know you know where this is…we would go to Woolworth’s in Daniel Village for lunch at their soda fountain. And he would buy whatever I wanted in the store. It’ was our time. Our day. Mom was not invited. Those are the best memories.
    Love ya, G.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello my love! That story is priceless and I know that feeling. As you know, I went through that with mama. I don’t think you can ever really get over it. I do have to thank God that I still have my Dad.
      That said, my heart breaks for you right now. I always say a little prayer when I think about you.
      Yes I know exactly where you’re talking about. I used to live near Daniel Village. Baskin and Robbins! Whaaaa?
      How bout my brother was like, you need to do a post about that little miniature village that sits next to Dairy Queen behind Daniel Village. As kids we loved to got there! I hope it’s still there!
      You’ve still got wonderful memories; keep holding on to them 🌹

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t know if the little village is still there, but next time I am out that way…I will check and if it is, I will send you a pic for that post, my frien!
        Thank you for the prayers. I’ve had a really tough time lately. I keep having a recurring dream with him calling me on the phone. I hear his voice. And as we hang up…I realize that he’s already gone. There are some things I need to do for closure, and I am sure it will happen in good time. I know you understand. We never do get over the loss. Hug your sweet Daddy!
        And I told my oldest about the fireflies tonight. He’d not heard of that and he was moved. Your posts touch so many.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh, now you gonna make me cry! I hope he found solace in that. My oldest struggled quite a bit when my mom died so I get it.
          Encourage him to look and listen for signs from our departed loved ones. They do come if you are watchful. I had one that was so awesome –and one of my friends witnessed it for herself.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. ronbrownx

    Such a handsome and Great man, son, father and grandfather my Uncle is. The photo of him shaving his father is so touching! With role models like him, his sons and grandsons daughters and granddaughters, and YES even nephews and nieces, cannot be anything other than great parents as well as genuinely good people. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY Uncle Jim!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you cous!

      Yeah, you got a pretty cool uncle!

      It’s kinda sweet getting a glimpse of our Granddaddy again huh? I love that shot of the two of them but I could kick myself because I can’t find the original. FYI-this shot was taken a couple of weeks before Granddaddy passed away.

      As you know, Daddy was up here for a few days but he left before Father’s Day because he wanted to make sure to put a flower on Granddaddy’s grave. To me that was very thoughtful of him.

      I hope you enjoyed your special day and that you didn’t end up spending too much money! LOL!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ronbrownx

        Yeah, pretty cool dude; one of my role models. I’ve always admired, envied and attempted to emulate his cool, “studied” responses to any queries out to him.

        I got off pretty cheap on FD. No kids, no “women”, no visitors, just church, and church folks. I got no cards or gifts, but I didn’t buy anything either. The church ladies cooked breakfast for me and Deacon Lightning. I visited my sis and bro law and called it a day!

        Thanks for your FD wishes my beautiful Cuz!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. If the chuch ladies cooked you some good ole brekfess then you got over like a fat rat! I’m imagining some grits, some bacon, some sawshitz, some cheese and maybe some bistits! or at least some toast. LOL!

          Just having a little fun my handsome cousin!

          Daddy would be tickled to know that you studied him like that 🙂

          Very kind words cousin!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sitting here nodding my head in approval of every word I just read. Your Father is one of those Father’s I believe Father Templates are molded from.True I never met the man, but I’ve known his daughter long enough to realize he did a hell of job as a Father, and as the first man she encountered in this world.

    You speak so warmly and lovingly of your Father and that’s something all Fathers want from their offspring. We don’t require recycled neckties or endcap gifts on Father’s Day- we only require what you have confessed to in this post. Love admiration and appreciation.

    Thank you Gwin for sharing your inner most emotions regarding your Father – they warmed this Father’s heart and brightened his Father’s Day.

    You Gwin are A Okay lady.

    Liked by 1 person

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