In Loving Memory Of “Time Tunnel” Blogger/Writer Ronald W. Brown

Life is eternal, and love is immortal,
and death is only a horizon;
and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

– Rossiter Worthington Raymond

It is with a very heavy heart that I must announce the death of my dear cousin, Ronald W. Brown.

Goodnight my sweet prince.

Love always and forever,


To read some of Ron’s writings, go to “Category” and select Ron’s Time Tunnel.

To hear our conversations, go to “Category” and select “A Family Conversation Podcast.”

14 thoughts on “In Loving Memory Of “Time Tunnel” Blogger/Writer Ronald W. Brown

  1. Hi Gwin.
    My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
    I am so sorry to read of Ron’s passing. He was a man of simple eloquence. and deep faith. His posts would always bring home that powerful message which surrounds true faith and belief. He was a great guy and I will miss the chance to exchange views with him.
    In this sad and troubled world, there walked a true man, and true believer of the best sort.
    Hugs and love to you at this sad time.
    Roger & Sheila.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Roger. He enjoyed his conversations with you. You are right! He was a great guy, a good man, a true man. I just wish you could’ve met him in person. He had a beautiful spirit. I’m so heartbroken. 😢.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can understand that Gwin, yes it would of been rewarding to have met him.
        Here’s one illustration of his warmth and generosity I personally experienced, and wish to share:
        When I was working on my fantasy books and putting out snippets for feedback, one involved Arketre Beritt the ‘medic’ soldier. Ron was complimentary about that as he said it reminded him of his experiences as a medic in the US army.
        I treasured those comments and kept the words in my head over the next few years while writing the books.
        I’m truly missing him 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous

    Oh my! I am so sorry to hear this, dear friend. During my few blog moments with Ron, I noted delightful humor and a tremendous ability to lift up another, and then above all else, there was a river of kindness. I can only imagine how the pain of this may well be very long and strong. I love you, G. Consider this the warmest hug I can possibly give you from here. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I see I was not logged in. The anonymous response just posted was from me … Eve. I’ll include it here just in case all goes wonky.


      I am so sorry to hear this, dear friend. During my few blog moments with Ron, I noted delightful humor and a tremendous ability to lift up another, and then above all else, there was a river of kindness. I can only imagine how the pain of this may well be very long and strong. I love you, G. Consider this the warmest hug I can possibly give you from here. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh no!! G, I am so so sorry to hear this! I didn’t drop by as often as I used to, at first, but Ron made a deep impression on me. He seemed like a truly wise and NICE person. You know? In Yiddish there’s great word for someone like him: a MENSCH. (Just pronounced like “mench.” Maybe you know it already.) It means, basically, a truly GOOD man, a good person. That’s how I felt on my brief encounters with him. That’s how he will be remembered by me and SO many others he’s touched. For sure. Hugs, G! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Ellie❤️That is a wonderful description of Ron.❤️
      ”MENSCH!” He was a huge lover of words and their meanings so I’m sure he’d love that.


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