Real Good Food: For The Fellas


Edited 1/31/2017

Ok ladies, you know I love you but this one is for the fellas!


Because I feel strongly that more men need to learn how to cook real good food!

No more ‘getting by’ meals.

No more ‘struggle bus’ meals.

No more scrambled eggs…

OR cereal…

OR oatmeal…

OR cookies…

OR Toast…

OR noodles for dinner!

No more of that!

Lady G got you!


And so…

Today, I am offering a simple, inexpensive and unassuming dish that does not require too much effort.

Here’s what you need:

  1. A package of boneless, skinless chicken cutlets (season them to your liking)
  2. A bottle of Italian Salad Dressing (Most any brand will do)- You won’t need the whole bottle!  Just eyeball it 🙂
  3. 1 chopped tomato
  4. Canola Oil (about a Tbsp per each cutlet)
  5. Non-stick spray

That’s it!


  1. Set the oven to 350 degrees 
  2. Saturate the bottom of a deep baking dish with non-stick spray.
  3. Coat your cutlets with the canola oil and place them in the dish (It’s okay if they overlap a little)
  4. Pour on Italian Salad Dressing
  5. Place chopped tomatoes on top
  6. Cover the dish
  7. Put the dish in the oven
  8. Bake for 30 minutes


Here’s how it’ll look before cooking:


Don’t move because we’re not finished.

I’d like to challenge you to make a quick bowl of rustic mashed potatoes.

Stop sweating!

This is a simple dish so you can stop visualizing yourself in a military mess hall peeling bags of potatoes!

For today, all you need to do is take two large potatoes, cut them into medium sized cubes (I keep the peels on) and boil them until tender–use a fork to check for doneness.

Once the potatoes are done and drained, put them in bowl then add salt to taste, about 2 tablespoons of butter and 3/4 cup of whipping cream (Regular milk works too).

I’ve found that you should start with a minimal amount of cream then add more if your potatoes appear to be too dry looking.

Fellas, these potatoes are not pretty but they are delicious and they will, as the old folks say, fill a crack!

I prefer stiff mashed potatoes, some people like them creamy and wet.


OK, to round this little culinary experiment out, employ your microwave to prepare some frozen broccoli.

We did NOT do the broccoli ’cause we were too hungry to wait.

Here’s the final product:



Hey, let me know if you tried this dish.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Love and light to the ladies and the fellas!

Lady G 😘💋






The Flowering Vine: She Needed Me…


She wanted him

BUT he wanted me

So she


And she seethed


She wanted him

BUT he wanted me

So she


And she stalked


She wanted him

BUT he wanted me

So she


And she steamed


She wanted him

So she needed me

to be




And sliced



And placed…

out of sight.


For Aunt Elvy’s daughter, Alberta, (Mother’s dear first cousin and friend), reportedly murdered by a jealous rival.






New Orleans: My Home Away From Home

Please enjoy this ode to New Orleans-one of my favorite cities 💞
Expect a new entry from “The Flowering Vine” later today.
Love and light to you all!
Lady G 😘💋

Seek The Best Blog


Tennessee Williams said it, I didn’t!  However, I will say, after having been to New Orleans several times, Mr. Williams was definitely on to something!  No shade to Cleveland.  Really, I have family there. Hell, I’ve even partied there; the Flats were swinging!  But with that said, New Orleans has a special quality that is very hard to express in words.  To me, it is a place that you just have to experience.  Once you do, you’ll see what I’m talking about.

As I’ve said, I have been to New Orleans multiple times.  My most recent trip was in 2013.  As soon as I arrived, I remember experiencing a distinct feeling of contented familiarity that had nothing to do with the fact that I had been there before.  I mean, it wasn’t because the food was so freaking good or because the people were so friendly; although both of those…

View original post 630 more words

Autistic Chores

Thank you for showing us some of the challenges involved in raising two autistic sons, Rayquan and Nasir.
You are a patient and loving disciplinarian!
Any parent can learn a great deal from you!
By the way, did you say you paid $60.00 for 7 bags of groceries?
You need to post on that too! 😂
Love and light to you and your children!
Lady G 😘💋
Friends, please check this out!

The Couch Sports

Hey there everyone. This morning I went to the grocery store. For those of you who don’t not have the patience to use coupons, I suggest you put yourself in my shoes. Fixed income, with 3 kids, blah, blah, blah. Yea I know right. Tough Shit. But I make it work. San Francisco grocery stores are very expensive so, for $60 I was able to get 7 bags of groceries(the 7th is in my other hand)

Most importantly, I’m teaching my autistic son’s that they have to work hard to get what they want in life. Disability or not, you are a valuable commodity in life and in my heart so they need my discipline. Some people say I’m too hard on them. I disagree. I don’t see their disability (mainly because I’m their dad) but what I see is two young men who want to do things but don’t…

View original post 21 more words

Melodic Memories


I remember telling my cousin Ron about several memories that I had which seemed to lack any clear context–yet they continued to float around in my mind.

He chuckled and said, “I have those too, I call them ‘cryptic memories’.”

And so…

This post contains several ‘cryptic memories’ that may or may not have happened on the same day–though I presented them as if they did.

And, since I’m a music lover, each memory (event) is closely tied to a song from my early childhood years.

I hope you enjoy this quick exercise in dreamy quasi-stream of consciousness.

 🙂 🙂 🙂

Bus driver, please look for me

‘Cause I couldn’t bear to see what I might see

I’m really still in prison and my love, she holds the key

A simple yellow ribbon’s what I need to set me free

I wrote and told her please…

Tie a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree…”

 Tony Orlando and Dawn begin to fade as beautiful voices harmonize,


It’s 6:00am.

Mama comes in and wraps me in a blanket to keep me warm while we drive Daddy to work.

As we arrive at Nixon (Railroad) Yard, I can’t help noticing a shadowy locomotive sitting stern but proud in the distance.

His headlight shone straight and strong-never faltering…not even a flicker.

Daddy interrupts my gaze with, “See you later Doola Bug!”

He gives me a kiss, gets out of the car, and waves goodbye…

No need for sad farewells.

He’ll return tomorrow.

Mama takes the wheel and turns on the radio.

“Sun, sun, sun….Here it comes!”

“Sun, sun, sun….Here it comes!”

I love this song!

George makes me happy.

So does my pink jewelry box.


Because whenever I open it, a graceful ballerina offers an eternal pirouette to

“Somewhere my love there will be songs to sing…”

Her elegant dance is so joyful.

Later that day, Mama takes me to the store.

I glide down the toy aisle mouthing:

“Everything is beautiful…in it’s own way…”

Life is good!

Alas, the day has come to a close.

At home I settle back into bed.

Mama’s still up folding clothes.

Lawrence Welk’s soothing lullaby plays in the background.

Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you

Here’s a wish and a prayer that every dream comes true

And now ’til we meet again

Adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen

Good Night!


Do you have any ‘cryptic memories’ to share?  I’d love to chat about them 🙂

Until then, have a magnificent week!

Love and light to you all!

Lady G 😘💋




The Cut Finger (a poem)

 by Ellis Parker Butler

An’ shure, me lad, ‘t is bleedin’;

But come, me hearty laddy buck, be brave an’ do not cry;

A lad that’s learnin’ readin’ sh’u’d be far beyant the heedin’

Av a tiny bit o’ finger cut that hurrts a bit foreby.

‘Ere ye come till wan an’ twinty

Ye’ll be havin’ hurrts in plinty

An’ ye’ll learn a bit o’ bleedin’ doesn’t mean ye’re goin’ t’ die

(excerpted from the poem, A CUT FINGER) 

Jerry Garcia, Grateful Dead guitarist; actress, Daryl Hannah; outlaw, Jesse James; James Doohan, “Scotty” of the Starship Enterprise; Christian Bale, the iconic star of the Batman movie; female members of the Dugum Dani tribe of Guinea; my late father’s, late first cousin, Congo, of Congo’s Cargo fame (see my story, Congo’s Cargo), and my granddaddy Leroy, ALL have one particularly peculiar commonality. They are all missing a part, or all of one or more digits—a.k.a. fingers.

  • Jerry Garcia, lost his finger while assisting his father with wood-chopping duties.
  • The rope pulley, on her grandmother’s well, divested the actress, Darryl Hannah—star of the 1980’s movie, “10”, in which, she was touted as being the “perfect woman”; a “10” on a scale of 1 to 10—of her digit, thus, leaving Daryl one finger shy of being an actual10” (or more accurately—having 10).
  • During WWII, James Doohan, who portrayed the venerable and irrepressible character, Scottie, on the USS Starship Enterprise, also served with the Royal Canadian Artillery Unit, where his heroic acts included; shooting two snipers and leading his men to higher ground through a field of anti-tank mines.

He was crossing between command posts when he was hit by six rounds fired from a Bren Gun by a nervous Canadian sentry—his own man! He received; four wounds in his leg, one in the chest, and one through his right bird finger. 

Although a fan of the Star Trek TV shows, I never noticed the missing finger, but it does explain why Scottie never gave Captain Kirk, the finger, when the Captain would demand, unrelentingly, “Scottie! We need more power!”

  • Jesse James—the infamous “outlaw” of the Old West—is alleged to have been missing a finger also; shot off while cleaning his shotgun, however, modern historians don’t agree on which digit Jesse James was missing, but I’d bet a dollar-to-a-dime that it is was not his “trigger finger”.
  • Christian Bale played Batman in three different movies. He has also had roles in many other successful movies. I’ve never noticed a missing finger.
  • It is a funerary tradition—in the Dugum Dani tribe—for young women or girls, to disjoin themselves from the distal phalange of one of their digits, whenever family members die. To not perform this ritual, would incur the wrath of a “Ghost Warrior”, whom it was thought, would terrorize the village. They simply could not have that sort of thing going on so; chop, chop!
  • I’m not sure how cousin Congo lost his finger. He was a mechanic so, maybe he was trying to make a Car-Go!

Granddaddy Leroy was missing parts of several fingers, however, I never had the courage to ask him about the factors of causation for the state of his extremities, but my Mom and her siblings did. This is how she related his ensuing response to me:

“My daddy had four and a half fingers on each hand. One of us inquisitive kids asked him what happened to his fingers. He patiently replied, ‘This finger got caught in a folding chair. It had to be taken off by the doctor’, he explained, as he held his hand out for us to see; his ineradicable, ‘roll-your-own’ cigarette, dangling precariously from his lips.

He held his hands before him, turning them slowly, first this way, then that; staring at them as he talked as if, once again, experiencing the painful event he was describing, then he pressed on, ‘the other hand’s missing finger was caused when me, Coley, and Jimmy was foolin’ around near the choppin’ block. I bet them that they wouldn’t cut off my finger.

So, I laid my hand on the choppin’ block’, then he paused. A shadow crossed his face, his brow furrowed, as if he was asking his hands, ‘Why?’, then the shadow and the furrowed brow were gone, and the insuppressible smile was back. Now, more matter-of-factly, he continued, ‘I lifted my hand from the choppin’ block and half of this finger’, he said, pointing at the missing finger, ‘was gone!’ he finished, indicating the remaining half of the victim of this aggravated assault of a phalange.” Thus, Mom completed her recounting of the Factors of Causation for the Multiple and Traumatic Loss of Leroy’s Phalanges.

In a different place and in a different time, my brother, Eric, was born with two extra digits. I wonder if some version of the Entanglement Theory could be implicated in these events? My paternal Granddaddy was missing a couple of legs, but that’s a story for another day.

In short (that’s a joke) …

Granddaddy didn’t seem to be, in any way, impaired by these missing digits. He worked, he tinkered, he rolled those cigarettes, and most of all, he cared for and provided for; his wife, his children, and grandchildren.

As for his Marbles game? Well, let’s do some reasoning, by way of induction:

  • Jerry Garcia, played the heck out of his guitar, until his recent death.
  • Daryl played a mermaid, among other things, and is still considered, a “10”!
  • Scottie, served as engineer of a starship.
  • Jesse was so good with his gun, that over the course of 15 years, held up 11 banks, seven trains, three stagecoaches, one county fair and a payroll courier, in the process stealing some $200,000 and killing at least 16 men.
  • Christian Bale played one the greatest superheroes of all time without missing a single bat beat.
  • Old Dugum women can still be seen walking around with several missing fingers and finger joints, having successfully birthed and raised children and taken care of their warrior husbands.
  • Congo continued to make Cars Go, until he had a stroke in his 60’s!

So, yes!  I believe he adapted to the missing fingers and became one of the deadliest Marble’s marksmen of all time, thus proving that, if you have the will, you can overcome any obstacle.

But I wonder if the children—who picked on him for his “Whiteness” and whom he ran from every day to avoid their hurtful remarks—also teased him about his missing fingers? Hmmm!

To Be Continued…

On Grandparents, Sages and Ancestors

Granddaddy (My Dad), circa 2004, watching over my son at a school camping trip. (Excuse the imperfections in the image.)


Every time I see folks taking care of their grandchildren, I always make it a point to say to them, “Thank God for Grandparents!”

No doubt, Grandparents can be a child’s guardian angel materialized on Earth.

Trust me when I tell you that I enjoyed interacting with my own Grandparents–when they were alive–and I’ve enjoyed watching my children do the same with my parents.

Grandchildren:  Always be a blessing to your Grandparents, just as they are or were to you!

Ah, but wait, I can hear somebody in the ethers hollering, “But Lady G, I’ve never had a relationship with my Grandparents.”

To that, I say…

Seek the Sages!

Sages are easy to find–if you’re willing to look around you.

Sometimes they are sitting next to you on the bus.

Other times, they are standing next to you at the library.

Or in the line at the coffee shop.

Interactions with Sages need not be unnecessarily long.

Sometimes, Sages offer a quick word of advice or wisdom that can take you ten steps further down the road.

Sadly, many Sages are slipping away in:

Nursing homes

Back bedrooms

Small apartments

Unattended to…


Find the Sages I say!  Talk to them!  Learn their stories! Take pictures of them! Bestow them with accolades!

(It should go without saying that this advice also applies to Grandparents.)

Treasure them…they deserve it!

For tomorrow you will look and they’ll be gone.

Finally, let us not forget…

The Ancestors!

For the purposes of this post, Ancestors are defined as all of the Grandparents, and Sages who have ‘shuffled off this mortal coil’…having ascended to higher realms.

Remember and honor them!

They are watching!

Make them proud!

Love and light to you all!

Lady G 😘💋

Dedicated to My Grandparents:


Leroy and Annie Maude

And to my Parents, Sages and Ancestors!

The Flowering Vine: Baking with Ma Allie


Since it’s ‘Birthday season’ around these parts, I’ve decided it might be fun to ask Ma Allie (Mother’s mother) to assist me with baking a cake.

Does it matter that she died several years before I was born?

Not to me 😉

I love a challenge!

You game?

Let’s call her and see what happens…

Here goes…

Ma Allie, come forth!

Ma Allie, come forth!

Ma Allie, come forth!

(I once saw someone conjure a ghost using similar phrasing on an old episode of Bewitched.)


MA ALLIE:  I’m Allie!  Who are you?

GWIN:  Hey!  My name is Gwin, I’m one of your great- granddaughters…one of Annie Maude’s grandchildren.

MA ALLIE:  Which one o’ her chiren you belong to?

GWIN: I belong to Jimmie.

MA ALLIE:  Well sir!  You shole favor him too!

MA ALLIE:  Now, what ‘choo want wit’ me?

GWIN: Well, I wanted to bake a cake so I decided to ask you to help instead of me looking it up on the web.  

MA ALLIE: (Confounded) Looking’ on a web?  Y’all done started lookin’ at webs to find out what ‘choo wanna know?

Lawd ha’mercy!

GWIN: It’s a long story and I can’t tell it.

Can you PLEASE help me?

MA ALLIE:  Okay baby…

Now, I use my special green cup when I bake.

GWIN: Is it a measuring cup?  I mean… is it 8 ounces?

MA ALLIE: (Kinda irritated) Baby I don’t know nothin’ ’bout no ounces… It’s just a cup. That’s all I know to tell ya.

I bake wit’ it and sometimes I drank my coffee from it.

Now go get your flour, baking powder, and sugar…then get some butter, milk, eggs and some vanilla.

GWIN: Do I need a tablespoon or a teaspoon for the vanilla?

MA ALLIE: (A bit more irritated)  What?

MA ALLIE:  All you need is a kitchen spoon….when it’s time, put in a li’l…not too much.

Now get a bowl and mix up all your wet thangs and then add yo’ dry things in with the wet.

After you done that, get ‘choo a good wooden spoon and stir it up real nice.

Once you got it all mix up good, pour it into your cake pans ….you ought’a have enough for two layers.

GWIN: How long do I bake it?

MA ALLIE:  (Slightly annoyed) Jus’ watch it and use your senses baby….look at it…smell of it…when you can smell it from anywhere in the house it’s ’bout ready.

You’ll know when to take it out.


Baby, I’m sorry, I got to go on back now.

GWIN: (Highly stressed) Wait, Ma Allie!  What temperature do I need to set the oven for?

MA ALLIE:  (Confused) Temperature?  Honey, I don’t know what ‘choo talkin’ ’bout!

GWIN:  (Even more confused) You know… the oven temperature.

Come look at my stove…right here… this is where you set the oven temperature.

MA ALLIE:  (Dumbfounded) Baby I ain’t never baked in no oven like that before in my life!

GWIN: (Stumped) What do I do now?

MA ALLIE:  (Chuckling Sarcastically) You better go check wit’ that magic web you was tellin’ me ’bout before.

Ask IT to tell ya !  

‘Bye now!

GWIN: (Stuck with raw cake batter in pans) Oh good grief!







Happy Birthday To Us: Part 2


Happy Birthday to Seekthebestblog!

We made it a whole year y’all and it’s been a blast!

Friends, I can’t tell you how much it means to me to be here to celebrate my blog’s first birthday with YOU!

My goal was to share some of the best things that life has to offer.

I pray that I’ve done that for these past 365 or so days!

I’d like to thank all of the many followers and viewers who have stopped by to share a laugh, a tear, a bite to eat and everything else in between with Me, Ron and my Dad (when he decides to pop up.)

As for me, frankly, I never imagined that I’d make it this far blogging.

You see, I’ve always fancied myself as a storyteller, writer, photographer, and soul food/music maven.

That’s fine, but it was all in my head and in my personal journals and my files and under my bed and so on…

But now, thanks to this blog, it’s all in your head!


No, seriously, thank you for digging our stuff and for sharing yours!

Oh, and by the way, Lady G is also celebrating a birthday this week!

I’m a few steps shy of a half century and I am very thankful for it!


Let’s toast it up!

Yes, I just bit Ne-yo’s song “Champagne Life ! ”

Little does he know, he wrote that jam for me!


Click HERE if you want to jam to it with me 🙂

Again, thanks to all of you for stopping by my spot to ‘like’ or simply say hello.

Remember, if you comment, I’ll ALWAYS respond–barring no crazy WP technical difficulties 🙂

Love and light to you all!

Lady G 😘💋

PS:  A special thanks to all of you who wished Lady J well on her birthday too!  She was over the moon after reading all those wonderful comments 💞