I’m Good!

Update post pic

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last pecked out a post on the old typewriter 🙂

And no, I have not lost interest in blogging…

I’ve just been busy with life stuff.

No worries though, it’s been mostly sunny with a few scattered showers but that’s to be expected right?

I plan to pick back up with new posts some time in mid to late May.

Meanwhile, I’ll be trolling your blogs—in a good way! 🤣

A special thanks to those who reached out via e-mail!

I appreciate that very much.

By the way, if you are interested, you can always poke around on my Instagram page to see what I’m up to.

I’ll be ‘seeing’ you guys soon 🙂

Love and light to you all!

Lady G 😘💋


Song Challenge-Day Five


And here we are…

On day five of the song challenge!

Today, I’m going for BROKE because this whole thing is just about to commence to dust.

Yes my loves, the sun is setting.

The witching hour is near…

But I’m not done having fun.


Now, before I proceed, let me take the time to thank Lisa A from Life of An El Paso Woman for tagging me with this challenge.

She is so awesome!

Thanks Lisa!

Love ya girl!

I’d also like to thank all of the bloggers who decided to participate!

Thanks guys!

Ok, back to the fun…

I thought I might leave you with a couple of  jams that I loved back in the day.

First, I must admit that I have always had a deep love of high drama!  It’s how I get my life!  YAAASSS!

To that end, I give you:

Putting on the Ritz By Taco.  The irony in that video kills me!

And….Mighty Real by Sylvester.

Oh how I wish I could’ve seen him live at Studio 54!!!!!!

RIP dear one! I love this doll!  Did you see him all dapper in his white suit–oh but wait…homeboy twirls around into utter fabulousness!


And here’s Boy George and Culture Club with I’ll Tumble for Ya!

Ok, let’s step away from the high drama and take a listen to a couple of my other high school Pop faves:

It’s a Mistake by “the men down under, ” Men at Work

And this GENT who belongs front and center with all of the drama dudes!

Eh… that’s ok he’s in a class all his own!

I give you, David Bowie and China Girl.  RIP sweet David:


Now as we wind down toward the close of the day, I give you a couple of compositions from “The Quiet Beatle.”

He’s my play-pretend guardian angel!

The Late Great George Harrison.

RIP Great one!

Here Comes the Sun:  I think this one is for karaoke 🙂

Billy Preston sings “My Sweet Lord” in tribute to my guy.

George’s son, Dhani, is also playing on this one.

He’s the guitarist that closely resembles our beloved!

Finally, one of my all time favorite George Harrison compositions:

By the way, R&B mega-star, Bobby Womack, did a helluva cover of “Something.”  Go google it!  It’s pretty damn awesome.

Well guys…as I implied before, everything must come to an end.

There are so many more pop/rock/disco-y jams that I wanted to include but there’s no point in running totally amok!

Please play along and do your own song challenge post!

Clearly, I have broken all the rules, especially with this entry… but such is life!

The Lady will now bow and take her leave by dancing off into the sunset to Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic by The Police.

Love and light to you all!

I had a ball!

Lady G

😘  💋

***Check out “My Jams” in the music category for my R&B/Soul faves from years 1966-1996.

Song Challenge- Day Four


Speaking of flipping….

The song for today comes from this one cat who flipped the entire freaking script–musically that is!

Don’t believe me?

Well, allow me to present you with:

“Whirly Girl” by Oxo (1983)

The front man for OXO was also one of the same dudes who wrote, produced and performed “Get Off” by Foxy (1978) !

Say what????  How can two songs be so different?

Dude flipped from R&B right over to Pop!

It’s called FLEXIBILITY!  An absolute prerequisite for flipping!


That doggone Ish Ledesma ain’t no joke!

My kinda dude!

Did he flip the script or what?


Today is open to any blogger who wishes to participate.  Just follow the rules in my post entitled “Song Challenge-Day One.”

Lady G 😘💋

Song Challenge-Day Three





I can’t say that I’ve always been a fan.

At least, not unless there’s something in it for me 🙂

And today there is!!!


Oxford Living Dictionaries defines the term ‘fraction’ thusly:

A numerical quantity that is not a whole number (e.g. 1/2, 0.5).


Now put that under your cap for ’bout 2 seconds. 

For this challenge, the rules say that I’m supposed to choose one song for your listening pleasure.

That said, I’m gonna ride all over the top of that rule by advising you to ONLY listen to 1/5th of each of five of my favorite Pop/Rock jams from my high school days.

Trust me, It makes no difference to me which 1/5th of a jam you choose to listen too. 


Five fifths equals one whole!

I think….Oh well!


And now here they are….

Too Shy by Kajagoogoo

Head over Heels by Tears for Fears

Our House by Madness (Actually this jam was released a little before I started high school)

New Moon on Monday by Duran Duran

Owner of a Lonely Heart by YES (Not the original lead but a damn good high quality version)

YAAASSS! Lady G believes in staying in compliance. 

So y’all better COMPLY!  LOL!

Today I am going to nominate Cory Melancon and Ellie P to participate in this challenge. Both of these bloggers have very interesting and eclectic styles!

I think you’ll enjoy them!

Cory and Ellie P, you have the freedom not to participate but I sure hope you do!

Lady G



Song Challenge- Day Two



Ok, now that we’ve danced a little jig to Charlie Daniel’s “Devil went down to Georgia,” please indulge me while I imagine myself waiting in line to watch “With Six You Get Egg Roll” at Augusta’s Daniel Village Shopping Center Movie Theatre.

The year is ‘fictional 1968,’ and somewhere, in the distance, I can hear one of my favorite pop tunes, “The Rain, The Park and Other Things,” by The Cowsills.

You remember them…right?

They were the family that The Partridge Family was patterned after.

You remember The Partridge Family…right?

You don’t?


Anyway, listen as those lovely Cowsill harmonies float through the air!

Not being able to contain myself, I proceed to sing along–changing the words a bit by chanting, “I love the flowers girl, was she reality or just a dream to me?”

Trust me, it makes sense.


Today, I nominate Ang from “Out of Tune, Right on Point.”

On a serious note, my friends, we almost lost this beauty back in March so this is my way of sending a hug and a kiss to her while celebrating her wonderful life and our hometown—Augusta.

Love ya Ang!

Lady G 😘💋



Song Challenge- Day One

What’s up Lisa A?

I’m sending a huge thanks, a hug and a kiss to you girl for nominating me for the song challenge.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know that I am a huge lover of music so I was MORE than happy to dig right into this challenge.

As always, here are the rules of the road…


  • Post a song a day for five consecutive days.
  • Post what the lyrics mean to you.  (Optional)
  • Post the name of the song and video.
  • Nominate 1 or 2 bloggers each day of the challenge.

About a year ago, I started posting my favorite R&B songs in a series called “My Jams.”  It was a real blast!

And so…

For this challenge I decided that I would focus on a few of my favorite Pop/Rock songs.  As with “My Jams,” the order is completely random.

But, in this case, I must abide by the rules and stick to a five song limit.

That said, I have so many Pop/Rock favorites that it would take a lifetime to list them all.

Alas, I am bound by regulations 🙂

Today’s Pop/ Rock jam is actually a Country jam with some R&B influence. It’s by Charlie Daniels who tips his cowboy hat toward my home state of Georgia.

“The Devil Went Down To Georgia”

But did you hear that joker play that rhythm guitar while Charlie slid that devilish bow across the strings on that black fiddle?


Sounded like LIGHTNING!

Wait, does lightning have a sound?

Oh well…thunder then!


For Lady G, a nine-year-old budding violinist, this was the JOINT!!!!

FYI:  The fiddle has a flat bridge and the violin has a round bridge–that difference creates a sorta distinct difference in sound. Hell… at least that’s what my violin teacher said………..

Now if you ask a sistah, the devil won that duel! LOL!


Anywhats, I nominate my beautiful, crazy, sexy, cool, blonde blue-eyed Georgia homegirl Lennon Carlyle for this challenge.

Lennon, if you’ve already been nominated please forgive me love.




The Flowering Vine: Stardate, 1981


The sun has one kind of glory, while the moon and stars each have another kind. And even the stars differ from each other in their glory- 1 Corinthians 15:41 (NLT)


Today was a beautiful day!

A celebration of our 50th Wedding Anniversary, and all of our children and their children converged from everywhere to spend this occasion with us.

Of course, we missed the older boys who have all grown up and moved forward on their separate journeys.

Ronnie and Eric are in the military and Angelo is teaching out of state.

We know they would have been here if they could have.

But isn’t that what the whole thing is about?

You have your babies, hope and pray over them, raise them and give them wings to fly.

Bittersweet–that’s exactly what it is.

But we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We’ve been blessed and we know it.

All of our children are healthy and have gone on to do great things.

And when we look at the grandchildren we see bits and pieces of Ma Lula, Ma Allie, Ma Hallie, Pa Babe, Alberta, Aunt Elvy and, believe it or not, those Hatfields.

Quite naturally, they favor one another physically– but their individual glory differs just like the stars that sparkle and glimmer at night.

All in all, despite the hard times and hurt feelings, we did it!

We did exactly what God wanted and His grace has been our strength to see it through.

And now…

We rest.

“Good night Leroy.”

“Good night Annie.”


And thus ended the series…but not the story.  Both Ron and I will continue to weave tales about our family between the two blogs.

Thank you so much for all of your support and for reading “The Flowering Vine.”

Love and light to you all!

Lady G




Stuff I Like: Old Farmer’s Almanac


Every New Year’s Eve I used to purchase two Old Farmer’s Almanacs–one for me, and one for Mama.

Trust me when I tell you that the Almanac is a useful little resource.

I like reading about the Moon phases and associated folklore.

It even gives a long-term weather forecast based on geographic location.

What the hell, it couldn’t be any less accurate than the dude on TV who pretends to know where the newest storm is headed.

I’ve learned a number of things by reading the Almanac; some useful, some trivial but all of it very interesting.

Just so you know, you don’t have to purchase it in the store, you can find it online right here.

Let me warn you though…it can be addictive 🙂

Love and light to you all!

LadyG 😘💋