What You Must Do Before New Year’s Day…According to Mama

This video, based on one of my original posts here on Seek The Best Blog, details all of the things that my mother required us to do BEFORE New Year’s Day!

My mother was very supersitious and like many of the folks who were born and raised in the South, the idea of the unknown that accompanies a new year is bound to birth any number of superstitions and “old wives tales” that were used as guidance FOR “good luck” and AGAINST “bad luck.”

Don’t get me wrong, they prayed to God, but they hedged their bets! LOL!!!

I hope that you enjoy the video and you can link to the original post HERE!

The Great Conjunction 2020

Photo taken by LadyG

Yes honey, I had to make sure to see it!

Me, Daddy and my son went out of our way to find an unobstructed view of this “once in a lifetime” phenomenon!

Don’t fret!

There’s still time in the U.S. for those of you with a clear view of the Southwestern sky. Go see it!

They say it won’t be this close again for an eternity.

My father is 75, so I wanted to make sure that he saw it!

I’m just so grateful that 3 generations saw it together!


His wonders to behold!

LadyG loves you!

PS. I’m not even going to mention the fact that this is occurring in the “air” sign of Aquarius on the Winter Soltice! There’s all kinds of magick up in that! LOL!

LadyG is on YouTube

Hello my loves,

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, LadyGTV, for more content from your favorite “down home” Southern girl.

While I usually embed links to my YouTube videos and vlogs here on Seek The Best Blog, moving forward, I will be uploading certain videos exclusively on YouTube.

I don’t want you guys to miss anything so please subscribe, like the videos and share! Help me get to at least 1,000 subs!

Lady G

My goal, across the board, is to provide my subscribers and followers with meaningful and entertaining content.

By the way, never fear, I’m not leaving the blog, I’m just expanding my footprint!

That said, I hope to see you there AND here…

And remember,

LadyG loves you!

P.S. When you subscribe, please comment in one of the videos to let me know that you came from the blog!