Why Waiting For The “Best Circumstances” Is A Bad Idea

And sure enough even waiting will end…if you can just wait long enough.   

William Faulkner

(Video below)

The pandemic did a helluva job shining a light on things that I had once been unable– or unwilling to see.

For me, a beam of searing white-hot light illumined the fact that I’ve had a horrendous case of waiting for (INSERT THE BEST CIRCUMSTANCES HERE) syndrome.

And I didn’t even know it.

Well, maybe I did.

Okay, yes, it’s possible that I knew it; but, I never really questioned it.

That’s right, I never questioned it until this accursed outbreak pushed so many of my dreams, like global traveling, out of reach.

Now I’m left wondering:

What in the hell was I waiting for?

Seriously, during all that time before the pandemic…why didn’t I do more of the things I wanted to do?

Now, let’s shine the light towards you!

I’m curious to know, so I’ll ask:

Why should you wait?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking to a teenager questioning the right time to make a serious decision–because in that case, as a mother, I’d say WAIT UNTIL YOU’RE GROWN….And then wait a little longer.

And I’m definitely NOT talking about someone who is debating the need to seek legal or medical advice for a serious situation.

I am talking to people, like me, who have been waiting for any number of “best circumstances,” future events, situations or possibilities to occur.

You see, up until now, I had been waiting for:

The perfect time to write a book

My daughter to graduate so I can travel internationally

The money to come from “somewhere”

My ship to come in

Someone else to “come around” or “make up their mind” or “appreciate my worth”

But guess what?

According to Faulkner, even “waiting ends.”

Unfortunately, it sometimes ends in ways we hadn’t imagined.

For some of us it has already ended.


And so, I see now that I no longer have the luxury to wait because waiting for the best circumstances to make a move has stunted my growth!

FORGET “best circumstances.”

The time is nigh.

Right now, I’m writing a book.

I’m finding ways to do things that I had previously waited to do…NOW!

And you should too!

It’s A Ramble! Cheap Meat, Clutter, Birthdays and “Abs of Steel.”

In this rambling video I deal with some cheap meat and 30-year-old paper clutter.

I also plan a birthday tea for my daughter–her gift this year? “Abs of Steel,” of course! No seriously, I gave her this VHS as a gag gift since I noticed that a lot of gen z’ers love laughing at old boomer/gen x aerobic dance and workout videos.

Listen close for my impression of a British accent (an accent that I adore!)

Lots of memories here!

Thankfully, I finished decluttering and I had it all thrown out or donated by Jan 31!


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LadyG is on YouTube

Hello my loves,

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, LadyGTV, for more content from your favorite “down home” Southern girl.

While I usually embed links to my YouTube videos and vlogs here on Seek The Best Blog, moving forward, I will be uploading certain videos exclusively on YouTube.

I don’t want you guys to miss anything so please subscribe, like the videos and share! Help me get to at least 1,000 subs!

Lady G

My goal, across the board, is to provide my subscribers and followers with meaningful and entertaining content.

By the way, never fear, I’m not leaving the blog, I’m just expanding my footprint!

That said, I hope to see you there AND here…

And remember,

LadyG loves you!

P.S. When you subscribe, please comment in one of the videos to let me know that you came from the blog!