Why Waiting For The “Best Circumstances” Is A Bad Idea

And sure enough even waiting will end…if you can just wait long enough.   

William Faulkner

(Video below)

The pandemic did a helluva job shining a light on things that I had once been unable– or unwilling to see.

For me, a beam of searing white-hot light illumined the fact that I’ve had a horrendous case of waiting for (INSERT THE BEST CIRCUMSTANCES HERE) syndrome.

And I didn’t even know it.

Well, maybe I did.

Okay, yes, it’s possible that I knew it; but, I never really questioned it.

That’s right, I never questioned it until this accursed outbreak pushed so many of my dreams, like global traveling, out of reach.

Now I’m left wondering:

What in the hell was I waiting for?

Seriously, during all that time before the pandemic…why didn’t I do more of the things I wanted to do?

Now, let’s shine the light towards you!

I’m curious to know, so I’ll ask:

Why should you wait?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking to a teenager questioning the right time to make a serious decision–because in that case, as a mother, I’d say WAIT UNTIL YOU’RE GROWN….And then wait a little longer.

And I’m definitely NOT talking about someone who is debating the need to seek legal or medical advice for a serious situation.

I am talking to people, like me, who have been waiting for any number of “best circumstances,” future events, situations or possibilities to occur.

You see, up until now, I had been waiting for:

The perfect time to write a book

My daughter to graduate so I can travel internationally

The money to come from “somewhere”

My ship to come in

Someone else to “come around” or “make up their mind” or “appreciate my worth”

But guess what?

According to Faulkner, even “waiting ends.”

Unfortunately, it sometimes ends in ways we hadn’t imagined.

For some of us it has already ended.


And so, I see now that I no longer have the luxury to wait because waiting for the best circumstances to make a move has stunted my growth!

FORGET “best circumstances.”

The time is nigh.

Right now, I’m writing a book.

I’m finding ways to do things that I had previously waited to do…NOW!

And you should too!

Storytime: Children Helping Children-I Didn’t Have Enough Fingers!

Here’s a fun story about children helping children:

In first grade I didn’t have enough fingers 😂

Hello my loves, it’s storytime with LadyG!

Listen as I spin a yarn about children helping children and that time I got an empowering math tutorial from Daddy.

I also share more about how, as a mother, my own academic shortcomings and educational research informed my choices regarding my children’s educational paths.

I strongly believe that these influences were of critical importance for my young black son.

Run Time: About 8 minutes

Learn more about my son’s educational path

LadyG loves YOU!

A Grave Encounter: The Four-legged Ghoul


It was like nothing we had ever seen before.

I still remember how large he was.

His tongue was flickering in and out of his mouth.

When my grandmother saw him, she raised her garden hoe in his direction.

Unfazed, he slowly turned away and crawled behind one of the graves disappearing into the woods.

My grandmother said later she believed he was a haint.

-Daddy recalls an event that occurred around 1955 in Eufaula, Alabama.

Daddy tells the whole story

When I was little, my grandmother would often grab us kids to go with her to the cemetery to help her and her sisters clean up our family’s graves.

Usually, this would take place early on Saturday mornings.

On those days, we’d all gather our tools and walk down the railroad track to the cemetery where most of my mother’s side of the family was buried.

We’d typically be out there working all morning.

One day, when I was about ten years old, it happened!

Me, my grandmother, and aunt were clearing away some brush when we spotted the scariest looking thing we had ever seen standing on top of an adult-sized grave.

It was grayish black, and spanned, from his nose to the tip of his tail, the entire length of the slab.

The monster, who weighed more than I did then, was facing us from about two plots away–toward a branch that ran through the middle of the cemetery.

It was like nothing we had ever seen before.

I still remember how large he was.

His tongue was flickering in and out of his mouth.

When my grandmother saw him, she raised her garden hoe in his direction.

Unfazed, he slowly turned away and crawled behind one of the graves disappearing into the woods.

My grandmother said later she believed he was a haint.


LadyG remembers that story

I remember my Dad telling me this story over the years and I often wondered about the creature that he and his grandmother, Ma Allie, had seen that day.

Daddy said that it looked kinda like a Komodo dragon…

But not exactly.

He also said that this four-legged ghoul was probably feeding off corpses that were not “housed” in a vault.

A grave-robber of sorts.

Just so you know, vaults were not always used back in those days; especially in African-American cemeteries.

Anyway, it is important to note that Komodo dragons are not native to Alabama, or anywhere nearby, so we figured that whatever it was must have gotten loose from someone who had owned him as a pet.

At any rate, Daddy was never fully content with the fact that he could not positively identify that reptilian gargoyle of yore.

So for 64 years, the whole thing remained unsolved…


Last week, when I sent an article to my Dad about this reptile called a “Tegus” that had been spotted in South Georgia.

The article included a picture of a reptile that fit the description that Daddy gave based on his childhood memories.

After receiving and reading the article, Daddy immediately called me back and said, “That’s it! That’s EXACTLY what I saw!”

He seemed excited that the mystery had been solved.

Apparently, the Tegus has been around the South for much longer than the wildlife folks think!

But, secretly, I prefer Ma Allie’s belief that it was a haint!


Lady G loves you!




Guess This Bedtime Story: Read by LadyG (Episode 1)


This is one of my favorite books from childhood!

During these unsettling times, I thought it might be fun to read stories from my childhood and from my children’s childhood.

Can you guess which one this is?

Take a listen and drop down in comments to list the title and the author 🙂

Run time: Less than 5 minutes


LadyG loves you!