My Cousin’s Appointment to the Department of Air Force Senior Executive Service

Alphonso Thomas and LadyG

So, I could have started by mentioning the fact that his name is Alphonso Thomas, but I was compelled to be a bit more “possessive” in my approach 🙂

It made you look, didn’t it?


I had the great honor of being invited by my cousin to witness his official induction ceremony into the Department of Air Force Senior Executive Service!

Say what?

You don’t know what the Senior Executive Service is?

No worries, I didn’t know what it was either…

However, that is no longer the case.

Apparently, it is a RARE and GREAT honor.

Now then…

I have to say that during the ceremony, I was amazed to learn of Alphonso’s many accomplishments during his service as an officer in the Air Force, and later, as a civil servant.

Suffice it to say, he has racked up quite a few outstanding achievements. Most of which, I can barely understand, but I will say that it involves missiles, bombers and some other such wizardry that my mind can’t quite comprehend.

It’s alright though…most cousins don’t really talk shop….






Trust me when I tell you that Alphonso has to knock it down about 20 levels whenever he talks to me.

By the way, my cousin is also well known for his skills on the saxophone!

Actually, music is his first love!

He even released an album a few years back.

No doubt there is a Youtuber out there who has posted it without his permission… and if I can find it, I’m also going to publish it without permission!


Anywhats…It is important to note that Alphonso also studied at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA!

Excuse that musical digression, but it’s hard to stay focused on one thing when it comes to this Masters degree having Electrical Engineering Saxophone player.


So…if you landed here and you are obsessed with saxophone playing electrical engineers who are also members of the Senior Executive Service,






To that end, please check out this little video that I put together about Alphonso’s background in the military and highlights from his appointment into the Senior Executive Service.

FYI:  While working on this video, I learned that if you are not familiar with a given subject matter, you will most assuredly sound ridiculous should you choose to narrate about it.

Please accept my apologies in advance!

If that statement doesn’t make any sense to you now, it will become crystal clear after you listen to me vocally labor over Alphonso’s vast bio!


But it’s all love!

Please enjoy the video, it’s a little more than 7 mins long.


Told you I was going to lift the video below! LOL!!!  It was disabled by the video owner!  LOL!  The owner?  Yeah..right! LOL!!!!

You’ll probably have to google it 🙂

Video: Easter Morning Walk in Nature

Image:  Chrisjmit

If you follow this blog, you probably already know how much LadyG LOVES being in nature.

Best believe, I never get bored with a beautiful sunrise, a stately tree, or twittering from the feathered ones.


Today, I decided to capture some video of a walk that I took a bit earlier this fine Easter Sunday morning.

No doubt thoughts of resurrection and rebirth swirled all around my mind and heart.

It’s a perfect day to ponder such things…don’t you think?

Anyway, the video is quite short, but it has a meditative quality.

At least to me it does 🙂

The whole thing is less than 5 minutes long and packed full of trees, sky, sun and tweeting birds.

OH! If you beleive that orbs are actually spirits or angelic beings, then look closely because I caught sight of an orb in one of the clips.

I meant to mark it but I forgot!

And so…

Take a look-see and let me know what you think!

BTW, this was shot on my iphone7 plus.




My Evening Self Care Ritual

Courtesy of LadyG aka “The Alluring Intuitive”

The Alluring Intuitive


As I age, I find that it’s very important for me to adhere to a routine of self-care.

Yes, I get it, the term “self-care’ is a bit overdone but it’s the best description that I can find at this moment to elaborate on the rituals and routines that I do to feel and look my best.

Best believe, as the “Alluring Intuitive,” it is a MUST that my ritual includes a spiritual practice.

One such practice, for me, is meditation.

Does the term “meditation” bother you?

Well, before you click “close window,” hear me out.

Meditation does not require you to sit cross legged while chanting OM; though it can be that.

For me, meditation means sitting quietly…allowing my monkey mind thoughts to rise and ultimately fall into deep silence.


Now that ‘s where the good stuff is!

That’s where I receive my most clear guidance from God.

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