If It’s not a HELL YES…

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels.com

Yeah… so I was recently watching a video and the discussion was about the fact that most of us are not living up to our highest dreams.

At some point during the conversation, everyone came to the agreement that most folks are doing what other folks have said that they should be doing–never questioning their own fundamental wishes.

After a bit of a lull in the video’s dialogue, one of the participants politely expressed her newfound philosophy on life:

If it’s not a HELL YES…It’s a HELL NO!



That’s it!

So I decided that if whatever I’m thinking about doing next does not excite me to the highest heights, then it’s an automatic and emphatic HELL NO for me.

Any thoughts?

How To Stop Unsolicited Mail and Other Junk As Told By A Sentimental Paper Hoarder Who Is Afraid of Identity Theft

Recently, I talked about dealing with vast amounts of mail and papers that I’ve kept over the years.

Admittedly, I’m one of those folks who fear throwing away anything because “we might need it later.”

History and time has shown that I hardly EVER need it later.


Hell, even if I did, I wouldn’t have been able to find it due to the sheer volume of papers and mail that I had stashed since time immemorial.

So, this year, I decided that it is time to get rid of what I NEVER seem to need.

Ah, but then there’s stuff related to my children…you know what I’m talking about…things like:

Finger prints imprinted on a post card

Stick people drawings

Schoolwork and journals

Field trip permission slips–yeah I kept those too!

Hell, I even kept appointment cards from my pregnancies in the 1990’s and mid 2000’s; not to mention papers from undergrad and grad school.

Chile…when you add “paper hoarder” to “paranoid sentimental creature,” you get ONE HOT ASS MESS!

And so…

I found myself, during the first weeks of January 2021, locating, trashing and shredding all of the mail and papers that I had so cleverly hidden away.

Being the mistress of illusion that I am, my closet “looked” orderly, but if you were to open one of the many large plastic bins, you would have found oodles and oodles of mail, and other papers.

Some of it was junk and I knew it, so I left it unopened and stowed it.

Some of it was mail that I had already dealt with online, so I left it unopened and stowed it.


Because it had my name and address on it and I didn’t want to trash it lest someone steal my identity, open up a line of credit and purchase the whole entire world!

And that’s how I got HERE!


In order to change my ways, I’ve decided that I need to stop some of that craziness before it enters my door.

So, I found this nifty link that leads to the Federal Trade Commission where you can sign up to stop unsolicited mail, e-mails and other stuff from coming your way.

This is my gift to folks like me who “might need it later,” or who worry about identity theft.

There ain’t a damn thang to help a sentimental Mama know what to keep and what to throw away when it comes to her babies.

But I digress!


I apologize to my followers outside of the U.S.

Is junk mail even an thing in other countries?

Comment below!

Anyway, I’m about the follow the link so I can get my life!


A Family Conversation: Ron Brown & LadyG Discuss Mama Warriors


Don’t mess with a mother’s child!

It doesn’t matter WHO you are, WHERE you are, or, in this case, “WHEN” you are!

Today, Ron and I talk about my post, “Blackie,” which is a lighthearted true story that details my courageous young mother’s willingness to risk everything for her child in the newly integrated South.

“Blackie,” which was set in early 1970’s Georgia, is not hyperfocused on the perils that accompanied integration/segregation.

That’s a whole n’other story for a different post.

However, it does highlight the lengths that a mother will go in order to protect her child.

After listening to, or reading “Blackie,” you will learn that my mother was no play-thang.

She was a warrior!

A soldier, if you will.

Don’t believe me?

Check out what she did for my brother in Mama and the Balloon Man!

After you read it, you’ll be a believer about Queen Diva Eva!

But, back to the topic at hand….

Join Ron and I for parts 1,2, and 3.

***By the way, you can catch our first episode by clicking here.

Lady G Loves YOU!

Ep. 2 Part 1:  LadyG reads “Blackie”

Ep. 2 Part 2:  The Discussion Continues

Ep. 2 Part 3:  Parental Guidance is highly suggested




Pandemic: The Winds of Change



If you have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that you need or would like to donate, please go to Get Us PPE where you can link to healthcare providers/organizations that NEED PPE or to individuals who would like to PROVIDE PPE.  

Thank You!  

Lady G


A couple of days ago, I posted a ramble on how the threat of Coronavirus has changed the way we do things.

Think about it!

We shop differently.

We are much more vigilant about hand hygiene and seemingly minor coughs and such.

Students who are used to being in a brick and mortar school are now learning online.

More folks are working from home.

We’re holding teleconferences instead of physical meetings and conferences.

People are “seeing” doctors and mental health professionals via telemedicine.

Funeral homes are conducting funeral services differently.

Businesses are forced to become creative in order to shift their products and services to accommodate “social distancing.”

Now, if you had asked me about “social distancing” back in January, I would have looked at you like you were a damned fool!

Funny how this pandemic has FUNDAMENTALLY changed everything about what we do on a daily basis.

So….Methinks the winds of change are upon us!

Or to use another metaphor, allow me to ask:

Now that the “GENIE” is up out of the bottle, will we ever be able to coax it back in?

Do we need to?

Geez…I’ll be honest, I think that some of these things needed to change….PERMANENTLY!

Now, for the downside, I will say that I don’t think that it is good for us to remain homebound for too long.

However, in the words of that great physician, and infectious disease expert,  Dr. Anthony Fauci, “…(T)he virus makes the timeline…”

No doubt, he was referring to the timeline required for most communities to remain at home in order to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Nevertheless, I can’t help thinking about a domestic violence expert, I can’t remember her name, (Google it) lamenting the fact that people who are abused by a family member are now forced to be in close quarters with their abuser for an extended amount of time.

Picture it! The abuser and abused cramped together – tormented by the specter of  long-term unemployment—minus cash. NOT GOOD!

At any rate, as I mentioned in my ramble, some of our societal structures needed a major re-working.

Frankly, I am encouraged by the rise in ingenuity and goodwill that we’ve recently witnessed.  We’re seeing everyday folks sewing  make-shift PPE for health professionals and there are so many more wonderful examples of celebrities donating money to those in need.


Fewer cars on the road equals less pollution.

Oh, and what about crime?  Are we seeing any reductions there?

But then there are debates like “mitigation” vs “containment”

Clearly, a future full analysis of our actions will probably render a mixed bag of results.

What do you think?

Are we becoming too distant from one another?

Are we finding new ways to become closer?

What changes should remain permanent?

What would you like to see go back to the way it was before?

What are the inevitable long-term affects?

I’d love to get your take!

Hit me up in comments!

LadyG love YOU!




*Peace and love to all who have died.





Coronavirus Ramble



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Interacting with Family



Here’s my take (ramble/rant) on how the threat of coronavirus has changed the way I do things!

How has YOUR life changed?

Hit me up in comments!


Coming Events:  LadyG and Ron discuss our favorite blog posts.





Correction:  Taurus rules banking and such, which makes it closely related to its fellow earth sign, Capricorn which rules government.



Chef Daddy: Pizza Night Fail


Yeah…so it’s been a minute since I told a story about my wonderful father whom my mother often referred to as “the black Clark W. Griswold.”

And that, he is!

Anyway, one random Friday night in 1982, on the rare occassion that my Dad was off work, we planned to have a family pizza night!



Let me advise you to please hold your excitement because THIS pizza night, unfortunately, did NOT involve Pizza Hut…

Nor did it include Godfathers…

and Dominos was nowhere to be found!

Uh oh….

THIS pizza night was compliments of my Daddy!


And so…

In the pursuit of prime pizza ingredients, Dad hopped in his 260-Zx and drove down to the local Winn Dixie to purchase a box of Chef Boyardee Family Pizza…

Just like the one pictured above.

Ta Da!!!!!

Now then…

It is important to note that all of the ingredients to any normal pizza are NOT included in the box.

Did I have to actually say that?

Anyway, with that being the case, my Dad was left to his own devices which can be quite problematic to say the least!

So, off he goes over to the refrigerated section where he bypassed the pepperoni, and made a beeline for a huge box of country sausages!

Yes, my loves, you read that correctly!

The man bought Roger Wood Country sausages just like these:

Screen Shot 2019-06-01 at 12.35.16 PM


After Dad’s quick trip to the store, he commenced to get down to the business of preparing pizza for the family!

Being the genius that he is, he properly followed all of the directions, as given by our dear Mr. Boyardee.

But then, in a tragic twist of events, he decided to veer from the script by cutting up several links of those Roger Wood Sausages to be gingerly placed on top of his edible masterpiece.

Next, of course, he baked it!

And when it was done, we overlooked the fact that Daddy’s pizza was

completely drench with about a liter of Roger Wood sausage oil…

notwithstanding all of the grease from the hoop cheese that he piled on that sucker!

We overlooked the odd smell of the canned pizza sauce which was now inextricably married to this horridly fake Italian cuisine tomfoolery!


We overlooked ALL. Of. THAT!






Fast forward about two hours…

I spent the rest of the night puking up everything that I had ever eaten in the year of our LORD 1981 and, no doubt, ’82.

Baby, trust me when I tell you that I didn’t touch another slice of pizza until late 1986!

Rest assured, my Daddy gave us all a night to remember!

But what else do you expect from the black Clark W. Griswold?

By the way… don’t tell him, but I bought this God awful thing to give him for Father’s Day because it is sooooooooo Dad!



Who needs a hot dog cooked any faster?

The answer?

My Dad!

Love you Daddy!


NOTE:  Please check out Daddy’s stories about Railroad life under the category “True Railroad Stories.”





Interview with My Brother Tack (Part 2): The Growing Years


I am the curve and he is the line.

My brother and I are different, but there is more than enough room in this world for him, me and YOU!


Here is part two of the interview with my brother Tack.

In this video, we discuss lessons from our Daddy, humor and what it was like for him to grow up with LadyG as an older sister.


Interview with my Brother Tack (Part 1): Our Childhood and Parents


I am the curve and he is the line.

My brother and I are different, but there is more than enough room in this world for him, me and YOU!


Today, I wanted to share an interview that I recently conducted with my younger brother, Tack.

During our conversation, we discussed our childhood, living paycheck to paycheck; not to mention, our parents and their parenting style.

In this interview, my brother also revealed our mother’s most important lessons about people and life.

Be forewarned, you are listening to a conversation between me and my brother so my southern accent is BLAZING!!!  Good luck and Godspeed trying to understand some of this! LOL!!!



Stay tuned for part 2, when we discuss a bit more about our Dad, and what it was like for my brother growing up with LadyG as a big sister.

Mama and the Balloon Man



My brother Tack

This is one of my first posts on the blog and it tells the story of how fiercely protective my mother was when it came to my brother and I.

BTW, I will be featuring my brother, Tack, in an upcoming video, where we will discuss some of his favorite posts on the blog…among other things!

This dude is something else! You’re going to love him!

But for now, please enjoy this flashback…

Seek The Best Blog

balloons-1211008_1920***This post is dedicated to parents who are working tirelessly to advocate for their children’s well-being.  God bless you!

When I was a kid, the month of October bore two special gifts.  First, it brought much needed respite from Georgia’s 200° ‘hell hot’ summer days.

And, best of all, it brought the fair!

My friends, I can’t begin to tell you how much my baby brother and I loved going to the fair!  While there, we faced down Ferris wheels, haunted houses, bumper cars, and ‘flying pirate’ ships.  One of our favorite rides was the Himalayas!  Baby, that thing flung us around and around, forwards and backwards!  We lived for the music, flashing lights and the carny/DJ yelling “Do you want to go faster?”

Yes my dear hearts, it was ALL good in October at the fair…until it wasn’t!

You see, one time, while we were at the fair, my…

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