Find Your Unique Way To Help!

Dear Friends,

If you, like me, are watching current events in the United States with feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness and the like, why don’t you consider reaching down into your personal “toolbox” to find your own unique way to help.

If you are unsure of where to start, look no further as I have culled together (below) some specific areas in the African American community that need YOUR immediate attention, talent, skills, knowledge and abilities.

This list is, by no means, the end all, be all.

However it does include areas that I, as a black woman, consider to be high-priority.

In essence, my goal here is to point you to the issue so that you can further research them and find your way to help!

And so…..

Family, Mothers and Fathers, please teach your children to be courageously kind and compassionate.

Teach them to value all human life! Not just certain ones.

Professionals, Scholars and Students of Law, Medicine, Education, and Journalism, please lend your knowledge!

We need your help!

Writers, Researchers, Photographers, Video Journalists, Counselors, Coaches, Social Workers, Marketers, Salespeople, Artists, Entrepreneurs, Computer and Technology experts, please lend your skills and abilities.

We need your help!

If you have extra money to spare, but are unable be more active, then give money to those who can be more active.

We need your help!

To my international readers, if America chooses NOT to change systemic racism, please consider helping us find a new place to live a better life!

We need your help too!

Everyone, I implore you, please find your own unique and productive way to help your brother.

Links to Specific Areas that Require Concentrated Assistance for African Americans:

Disparities in Health Outcomes and Access to Care

Source : Kaiser Family Foundation

Statistics on Violence

Source: Healthy People 2020

High Maternity Mortality

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Maternity mortality in black women

Even economic background can’t seem to help us overcome the stress of being black in America. A must read!

Source: Harvard University School of Public Health

Disparities in Education

Source:  United Negro College Fund

Contrary to popular belief, all black children do NOT automatically get United Negro College Fund Scholarships! These funds are tied to Historically Black Colleges and Universities. For more info click here!

Food Justice

Black Farming Leah Penniman Soul Fire Farm

Source: University of Vermont

Environmental Racism

Source: NYU School of Law

Black Health and Black Wealth

Pages 15-16 are very telling regarding wealth

Source: U.S. Congressional Black Caucus

Black Codes

This explains how blacks were jailed for bogus “crimes” like vagrancy in order to be used for free labor in prison camps. This is the beginnings of over-representation of African Americans in the prison system.

Source: Equal Justice Initiative

From Slavery to Mass Incarceration

Source: Ben and Jerry’s (Of all people, LOL!!)

I’ve just put my own M.Ed. and B.S. degree to use in order to find my way to help!

LadyG loves YOU! I DO!

Now get out there and help!

I’ve Noticed…

I wrote this in the summer of 2016.
Granted, as Americans, we don’t like things that make us uncomfortable. That said, I’m asking that we lean into that discomfort and engage in some DEEP self analysis.

For animal lovers, like me, I’ll admit that I was very upset with Amy Cooper for the way she allowed her hatred for a man that she didn’t know to cause her to nearly choke her own damned dog to death.

I’m not going to even touch on her willingness to weaponize the police because someone called her on her stuff!


Now imagine if Christian Cooper had walked over and pressed his knee on that dog’s neck for almost 10 minutes—-until he DIED!

That’s precisely what happened to our brother, and fellow human, George Floyd!
We need to check ourselves!

Make no mistake, America has decided to host a picnic in a gas station bathroom; voluntarily becoming nose-blind to the persistent stench of hatred and death.

Flat out, until we deal with racism and white superiority/supremacy, America will never get its chance to be GREAT for once!

In fact, it will self destruct!

Please believe me when I tell you that nobody wishes America could become GREAT more than people like me!

God have mercy on us! Christ have mercy on us!
#Rest in Power George Floyd

Seek The Best Blog



Friends, I’d like to chat with you about some things that I have recently noticed.

Before I begin, allow me to warn you in advance that you may or may not agree with any of my observations.

That’s alright with me.

But, hopefully, after you read this, we will still be able to maintain a high level of mutual respect; even if we have opposing points of view.

In my mind, that is one of the hallmarks of civility; don’t you think?


Let me start by saying that I strongly believe that we ALL matter.  Every single one of us.


However, based on several past and present events, I’ve noticed that some people do not agree with me. Sadly, I have no choice but to draw this conclusion based on the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile; not to mention Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown…

View original post 813 more words

A Family Conversation: The Cousins Discuss The Tegus, Haints, Ghouls, Cemeteries and Dead Heroes

“A Family Conversation” is a storytelling audio series that features weekly discussions between blogging cousins LadyG and Ron Brown on current events along with favorite posts from each other’s blog.

“A Family Conversation” is published on Wednesdays.


This week, Ron and I discuss the post (cowritten by me and my Dad), “A Grave Encounter: The Four-legged Ghoul,” based on a real-life event that my father experienced as a child in Eufaula, AL (Circa 1955).

In this week’s conversation we discuss everything from Haints to the “Hogbear” of Cuthbert, to time travel to the origins of Memorial Day.

Trust me, if the subject pertains to the supernatural, we touched on it in some way.


NOTE: Adult Language and Situations

“A Grave Encounter” Pt 1: A reading of the post and what inspired it

“A Grave Encounter” Pt 2 : What is a Haint?

Pt 3: Hobgoblins, Eliza’s grave and Fear

Pt 4: Time Loops, Different Dimensions

Pt 5: Decoration Day and the Origins of Memorial Day

***Check out this excellent article by fellow WordPress blogger, Keith Dotson, that offers a definition of the term “haint.”

Remember, you can also find Ron here under categories, “Ron’s Time Tunnel” on the right panel.

You can also find him at his blog Time Tunnel

Find my Dad’s stories, or stories about him under categories:

“True Railroad Stories”

“Daddy’s Stories”

“Greens From Daddy’s Patio”


In audio 4, when I was referring to Charleston, I meant to mention that I’ve noticed that lot of people enjoy visiting historic cemeteries where they like to do grave rubbings.

Of course, I got sidetracked with the ghost story!

Anyway, I saw a lot of people doing grave rubbings at one of the churches there. I cannot be bothered to google this, but I think it had something to do with the French Hugenots .

Also the area that I mentioned downtown where the African Americans were doing traditional African basket weaving was previously used to sell slaves; it is known as
The Charleston City Market:

The Hotel that I referenced appears to have been changed up. I believe that it is this one:
I think that it is this hotel because I remember the distinct double stairway with the chandelier at the entrance.

I couldn’t find much history on it though. I just remember it being quite classy.
I do not think it had the “Belmond” name when I stayed there. If anybody knows anything about it, please let me know.

Seek Understanding: What’s In a Name?





I started this blog in January of 2016.

It was, and still is, my intention and plan to create a space where people of all shapes, sizes, colors and such could come to find posts to edify, educate and motivate mind, body and spirit.

Naturally, it would be a reciprocal type of situation.


As I was thinking of names for the blog, I decided that I wanted to choose a moniker that expressed my desire to seek and find the best things in life–expressed via my own original creations or by presenting the works and/or findings of other talented writers, thinkers, bloggers, poets, educators, elders and storytellers.

However, when I searched the terms “seek” and “best” for the creation of my blog name, the only sensible title that was available, at the time, was “”

So I snatched it!

Ah…but then I later realized that this title could be misconstrued to mean something like…

Hey YOU!

Now that you have found my blog, you may now dispense with your tireless pursuit of creating or following other blogs because I got the BEST one right HERE BABY! SERIOUSLY, LOOK NO FURTHER!






Oh well, the damage had been done so I had to run with it!

I simply hoped that people would understand the intent behind the blog’s title once they read the tagline:

“Seeker of the best that life has to offer!”

My God…I can only pray!


That said, join me as I continue to seek the BEST!

Lady G loves YOU!

A Grave Encounter: The Four-legged Ghoul


It was like nothing we had ever seen before.

I still remember how large he was.

His tongue was flickering in and out of his mouth.

When my grandmother saw him, she raised her garden hoe in his direction.

Unfazed, he slowly turned away and crawled behind one of the graves disappearing into the woods.

My grandmother said later she believed he was a haint.

-Daddy recalls an event that occurred around 1955 in Eufaula, Alabama.

Daddy tells the whole story

When I was little, my grandmother would often grab us kids to go with her to the cemetery to help her and her sisters clean up our family’s graves.

Usually, this would take place early on Saturday mornings.

On those days, we’d all gather our tools and walk down the railroad track to the cemetery where most of my mother’s side of the family was buried.

We’d typically be out there working all morning.

One day, when I was about ten years old, it happened!

Me, my grandmother, and aunt were clearing away some brush when we spotted the scariest looking thing we had ever seen standing on top of an adult-sized grave.

It was grayish black, and spanned, from his nose to the tip of his tail, the entire length of the slab.

The monster, who weighed more than I did then, was facing us from about two plots away–toward a branch that ran through the middle of the cemetery.

It was like nothing we had ever seen before.

I still remember how large he was.

His tongue was flickering in and out of his mouth.

When my grandmother saw him, she raised her garden hoe in his direction.

Unfazed, he slowly turned away and crawled behind one of the graves disappearing into the woods.

My grandmother said later she believed he was a haint.


LadyG remembers that story

I remember my Dad telling me this story over the years and I often wondered about the creature that he and his grandmother, Ma Allie, had seen that day.

Daddy said that it looked kinda like a Komodo dragon…

But not exactly.

He also said that this four-legged ghoul was probably feeding off corpses that were not “housed” in a vault.

A grave-robber of sorts.

Just so you know, vaults were not always used back in those days; especially in African-American cemeteries.

Anyway, it is important to note that Komodo dragons are not native to Alabama, or anywhere nearby, so we figured that whatever it was must have gotten loose from someone who had owned him as a pet.

At any rate, Daddy was never fully content with the fact that he could not positively identify that reptilian gargoyle of yore.

So for 64 years, the whole thing remained unsolved…


Last week, when I sent an article to my Dad about this reptile called a “Tegus” that had been spotted in South Georgia.

The article included a picture of a reptile that fit the description that Daddy gave based on his childhood memories.

After receiving and reading the article, Daddy immediately called me back and said, “That’s it! That’s EXACTLY what I saw!”

He seemed excited that the mystery had been solved.

Apparently, the Tegus has been around the South for much longer than the wildlife folks think!

But, secretly, I prefer Ma Allie’s belief that it was a haint!


Lady G loves you!




A Family Conversation: The Cousins Discuss The Elusive American Dream


“A Family Conversation” is a storytelling audio series that features weekly discussions between blogging cousins LadyG and Ron Brown on current events along with favorite posts from each other’s blog.

“A Family Conversation” is published on Wednesdays.


Excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a Dream” speech:

In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s Capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check; a check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

If you are interested, you may read the full speech transcript here.


Observe as I switch my focus from the words of a King to a topic that appears to be totally different.

I’ll begin “the switch” by asking…

Isn’t it funny how the lyrics of a song can mean one thing in one context, and another thing in a different context?

That very fact inspired Ron to post two throwback jams from one of the most prolific songwriting duos of all time, Valarie Simpson and her late husband Nickolas Ashford.

And so….

This week, Ron and I discuss the song lyrics from Ashford & Simpson’s “It seems to hang on” and “Found a cure.”

Listen in as we flow with the lyrics into conversations on :

  • Dealing with the ever-present albatross of discrimination.
  • Interacting with people who either intentionally or unintentionally invalidate our experiences of prejudice.
  • Maintaining a hopeful optimism that one day America will live up to its greatest potential by adhering to its own assertion that “all men are created equal.”
  • A Divine prescription for the cure that we need; hint, it’s been there all along.


Adult Language and Situations

Pt 1

Pt 2

To listen to a deeper conversation click here for parts 3-5

Greens From Daddy’s Patio: My Sprouts Are Growing Up! (Week 3)


My sprouts are growing up!

I am such a proud new mama!

Daddy is continuing to help me learn how to raise my little green children.

Hey, do you remember “Sprout” from the old Green Giant “Jolly Green Giant” commercials?

Well that’s the vibe!


I guess Daddy is the Green Giant!

But, what does that make me?


One of my friends, who shall remain nameless…


…said that all I need now is cattle!


Everybody’s got jokes,

Even Daddy says that I am turning into a little farmer!


Ah, but we’ll see who gets the last laugh!

Meanwhile, back on the patio…

This week, we transferred the sprouts/seedlings into bigger containers so that they will have room to grow!


LadyG loves you!

Run time:  Less than 10 minutes.