NOT Breaking News: Because We Need A Freaking Break!

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of my stomach perpetually seizing in anticipation of any number of domestic and global cataclysms.

And so…

I’ve decided to offer us all some respite in the form of a video that highlights three off-beat/inspiring news stories.

Rest assured, there is absolutely NO breaking news to be found anywhere near here.

By the way, I won’t be offended if the video bores you to sleep.

Honestly, that’s my intention!

Refreshing huh?


Resource Links:

The Queen of England

Generous Pakistani Chef

Rapping Keeper of Cats

Halloween Parlour Games with LadyG: Your Energy Readings are HERE!

Energy readings for the fun natured folks who wanted to play a parlour game with LadyG!


There may be another opportunity for people who still want to play.

Stay tuned!

Shenanigans will continue at least until sunset EST, October 31, 2020.

And now, again, the LEGAL NOTICE:

***I am NOT a doctor, attorney, accountant, financial advisor, counselor, baker, butcher, priest, priestess, or fortune teller. Responses given here are NOT meant to be substituted for the advice of any of the above professionals.

Responses are to be used for entertainment, creativity and self reflection purposes ONLY.

Halloween Shenanigans: Play a Parlour Game with LadyG

Shall we play a game? ** said using my best 1980’s computer voice like in that movie that I can’t remember the name of and don’t care to google**

I digress!

No, seriously, shall we play?


To start, simply read the following in your best sing-song voice, then copy and paste it into the comment section:

My dearest and wisest Lady G, please have a little fun with me.

Tell me what my energy shows and what is working to stop the flow.

-A little ditty created strictly for this purpose.

When you copy and paste this little poem into comments, please tell me how you’d like to be addressed.

It’s ok to use an alias.

REMEMBER, this is all in fun and strictly for entertainment purposes ONLY.

NOTE: All copy/pasted inquiries MUST be dated by midday U.S. Eastern Standard Time, October 29, 2020.

LadyG will post a grouped response via audio on October 29, 2020 at sunset Eastern Standard Time.

“Don’t delay, act now… are running out!” **said using my best Smash Mouth impression**




THIS offer ends, MIDDAY, October 29,2020, USA Eastern Standard Time.


This is going to be FUN!

If I don’t get any responses, it’s all good, I’ll just assume that no one wants to play with me.

And now for the LEGAL NOTICE:

***I am not a doctor, attorney, accountant, financial advisor, counselor, baker, butcher, priest, priestess, or fortune teller. Responses given here are NOT meant to be substituted for the advice of any of the above professionals.

This is a game to be used for entertainment purposes ONLY.

At best, responses are meant to encourage creativity and self reflection.

I retain the right not to respond to any inquiry that falls outside of the directions given or that I deem inappropriate. Trust me, I’ll disregard it with no hesitation or explanation.

Now, let’s play.

Melodic Memories

I was just inspired to repost this as a result of a conversation with my cousin Ron. Maybe it’s just a yearning for my childhood days–when life was carefree. I hope you enjoy!

Seek The Best Blog


I remember telling my cousin Ron about several memories that I had which seemed to lack any clear context–yet they continued to float around in my mind.

He chuckled and said, “I have those too, I call them ‘cryptic memories’.”

And so…

This post contains several ‘cryptic memories’ that may or may not have happened on the same day–though I presented them as if they did.

And, since I’m a music lover, each memory (event) is closely tied to a song from my early childhood years.

I hope you enjoy this quick exercise in dreamy quasi-stream of consciousness.

 🙂 🙂 🙂

Bus driver, please look for me

‘Cause I couldn’t bear to see what I might see

I’m really still in prison and my love, she holds the key

A simple yellow ribbon’s what I need to set me free

I wrote and told her please…

Tie a yellow ribbon ’round the old oak tree…”

View original post 270 more words

Seek Understanding: What’s In a Name?





I started this blog in January of 2016.

It was, and still is, my intention and plan to create a space where people of all shapes, sizes, colors and such could come to find posts to edify, educate and motivate mind, body and spirit.

Naturally, it would be a reciprocal type of situation.


As I was thinking of names for the blog, I decided that I wanted to choose a moniker that expressed my desire to seek and find the best things in life–expressed via my own original creations or by presenting the works and/or findings of other talented writers, thinkers, bloggers, poets, educators, elders and storytellers.

However, when I searched the terms “seek” and “best” for the creation of my blog name, the only sensible title that was available, at the time, was “”

So I snatched it!

Ah…but then I later realized that this title could be misconstrued to mean something like…

Hey YOU!

Now that you have found my blog, you may now dispense with your tireless pursuit of creating or following other blogs because I got the BEST one right HERE BABY! SERIOUSLY, LOOK NO FURTHER!






Oh well, the damage had been done so I had to run with it!

I simply hoped that people would understand the intent behind the blog’s title once they read the tagline:

“Seeker of the best that life has to offer!”

My God…I can only pray!


That said, join me as I continue to seek the BEST!

Lady G loves YOU!

Patio Garden: Listen in as Daddy teaches me how!


***Important Note: 

Daddy and I purchased the seeds for our patio garden back in late January/ Early February of this year. 

We had planned to get started with this project much sooner.

But, life happened, and one day in mid February, out of nowhere, Daddy collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. 

As a result, he spent some time in the ICU. 

But thank GOD, he was released ONE WEEK after his emergency admission date. 

God was with him the entire time!

He was truly blessed and so were we!

We thank every doctor, nurse, assistant and therapist involved in his care.

Special thanks to my son and daughter who were with him when he collapsed.  They took immediate—lifesaving action.

Remember, in an emergency, it is best to call 911 because they bring help; they are NOT just there for the ride! 

They can make ALL the difference between living and dying!

Thank you to those first responders (Paramedics, EMTs and Firemen ) who arrived on the scene to care for my Dad.

Also, special thanks to the anonymous witness who called 911 seconds before my daughter did!

That said, after spending several weeks in physical and occupational therapy, Daddy is now recovered.

No doubt, we lost some time starting our gardening project, but his well-being was much more important to me.


Enjoy the post and the video!


I think it was 2017 when I first revisited a recurring idea of setting up a patio garden.

Sadly, Covid-19 has recently come to town and highlighted, among other things, weaknesses in our food supply chain.

As a result, you can best believe that I am now moving this project to “on fire” status!

I’m dead serious!

Anyway, a critical piece to this garden project included having my daddy teach me how to set it up—mainly because that dude has a…





Green thumb mix!

His daddy taught him.

I’m a Georgia girl, so frankly, as far back as I can remember—and I am about 50 :), my dad, who is a native of Alabama, maintained a garden in our backyard.

He kept that practice up for years!

Later in life, maybe 15 years ago, he transitioned to apartment living, and continued gardening on a smaller scale.

Neighbors, who passed by his patio, would ask, “Hey man, how do you grow such beautiful greens?”

He’d just smile and offer some form of pleasant response and continue on with tending his “crops.”

And when the crops were ready to be harvested, mama made sure to cook them up just right!

Queen Diva Eva!


Now then,

Let me be frank, there is NO way in hell that my dad would consent to appearing on camera so I had to secretly record the action!

God knows if he reads this….that’s my ASS! 

Oops!  Did I say that?

Forgive me Daddy!

That said, I am going to post an audio of him supervising my steps toward establishing our little family garden along with a short video and some pictures.

Forever the conductor!

But he’s cool about it


Enough of my rambling.  Check out the video.

LadyG loves YOU!

*** WARNING:  This video contains strong Southern accents so may the peace of the Lord be with you if you are not used to it!  A bit of translation is included 🙂

Comment on your experience with gardening, or if you’d like to leave a tip!

Check out Daddy’s railroad stories by going to category: “True Railroad Stories.”

*See pictures of one of his gardens in the first post I did about his gardening here!

True Railroad Stories: Santa’s Helper


The return of True Railroad Stories!  

True Railroad stories are written by my father, who tells funny, thought-provoking, and heartwarming stories about his time as a Railroad Conductor in Georgia from the 1960’s through the 1990’s.  

For train enthusiasts, Daddy was a freight train conductor.

But, before we go on, I just wanted to invite you to check out a couple of his previously posted stories, which include topics like fireflies and coal


If you like those, you can search for more of his stories under the category titled “True Railroad Stories” (Go to the right panel, scroll down )


Today, it’s Christmas in April on Easter Sunday!  



Not for Daddy, best believe he has his reasons 😉

Chile, that’s just how we do it on Seek The Best Blog!

Take it away Daddy!


It was early one cold and windy morning in December when we saw it beside the track.

It was the biggest deer with the largest antlers any of us had ever seen–and working on the railroad, we had seen many.

Even though several cars had passed within a few feet of him, the deer made no attempt to move.

It was common for wild animals to cross the tracks in front of moving trains when they were blinded by the engine headlight, so we determined that he must have been injured by one of the trains that sped through during the night before.

After a brief conversation amongst ourselves as to what to do, we decided to stop the train and go back to further investigate.

So we did.

As we walked back from the engine, we approached the deer, who was sitting in a position like a dog would take while begging for scraps at the dinner table.

It was obvious he had injuries to his hind legs.

Someone commented on how large he was.

I am over 6 feet tall, and his antlers stretched well over my head!

After discussing what to do, one of the crew members said,  “We can’t leave him like that…the humane thing to do is to finish him off …a horrible thing to do, but the right thing.”

So the one of us, who had the coldest heart, suggested striking him on the head with a metal tipped air hose from the caboose.

I’m sorry to report that this harsh suggestion was implemented.

Afterward, we loaded the “lifeless” deer on back of the caboose.

We then proceeded to a small town not far away.

When we stopped at the town depot, we decided to call the ranger station and report the incident.

After hearing the story, they elected to send a pick-up truck to the depot to recover the deer and maybe give the meat to a needy family.

Shortly, one of the rangers drove up and we all loaded the deer in the back of the truck.

As the truck was leaving, someone shouted, “Look at that!”

To our surprise, the deer was standing up on all four legs!

And, before we knew it, he leaped from the truck across one lane and a side walk to the grass where he disappeared into the woods!

To us, he seemed to be flying!

The distance was so great, it was almost as if he was big and strong enough to pull a sleigh from roof top to roof top!

And I’m convinced that he did!

-The Railroad Conductor


Lord have mercy!  Looks like Daddy’nem done ran up on one of Santa’s helpers!

I’m still pissed off at the cold hearted crew member who tried to “finish the job!”


In my mind, I believe that beautiful woodland creature is still very much alive, well, and happily awaiting his next trip with dear St. Nick….in about 8 months time. LOL!!!

Happy Easter!

LadyG loves you!
