In Loving Memory Of “Time Tunnel” Blogger/Writer Ronald W. Brown

Life is eternal, and love is immortal,
and death is only a horizon;
and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

– Rossiter Worthington Raymond

It is with a very heavy heart that I must announce the death of my dear cousin, Ronald W. Brown.

Goodnight my sweet prince.

Love always and forever,


To read some of Ron’s writings, go to “Category” and select Ron’s Time Tunnel.

To hear our conversations, go to “Category” and select “A Family Conversation Podcast.”

Final Public Post For Seek The Best Blog & LadyG

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven...
Ecclesiastes 3

My fellow Gen X’ers and Baby Boomers will remember the “End Trans…” reference from Whoopi Goldberg’s Jumping Jack Flash.

If you know, you know!

Otherwise, feel free to google it!

Before I proceed, I ask that you forgive any typos, as this process is very emotional for me.

And so…

My friends, the time has come to bring this blog to a close.

I have shared all that I care to share in a public forum.

Seek The Best Blog has been my baby for the past 6 years and I am very proud of her.

Yes, honey–Seek The Best Blog is a ‘she.’

You didn’t know?


I am thankful to everyone who stopped by to read or listen to whatever was going on over in this neck of the ethers at a given point in time.

I am especially thankful to my cousin Ron Brown for all of his hard work and his many stellar contributions to the blog.

I am also so grateful for my Daddy for his beautiful stories and observations about life as a freight train conductor.

A special thanks to family and friends who supported the blog by sharing blog posts and offering encouragement along the way.

There are so many great bloggers that I have come to love and appreciate for following along and commenting for years.

I hesitate to name them out of fear that I will forget someone.

My ride or dies know who they are!

This blog will permanently go dark in a few hours time.

Parting comments are greatly appreciated!

For those of you who still want to keep in touch with me after Seek The Best Blog fades into obscurity, visit me here:

Alluring Intuitive

Flow & Magick on YouTube

Peace, Love and Light!

LadyG 😘💋💋

A Better Way To Meal Prep

LadyG’s butternut squash, mushroom and spinach medley with baked salmon


Don’t waste your time prepping the same or similar meals for a week in advance!

Consider prepping several items in bulk in order to create various combinations so that your taste buds will remain happily stimulated.

Personally, I often prep sides in advance, but I prepare my meats just prior to meal time.  

Steamed Brocolli

For me, it’s a matter of preference since I can’t appreciate the taste of certain meats/seafoods after they have been cooked and reheated—especially in the microwave.

That said, feel free to cook your meat in bulk if that works better for you. 

Of course you could also leave the meat off and make it vegetarian/vegan.

It’s all up to you!

Seriously, you can do this!

Just think about all of the produce that many of us buy and ultimately waste because we didn’t take the time to cook it before it spoiled.

Use that good food!

Here’s a plan:

Go through your fridge/storage bins and find some vegetables that you can prepare in bulk to pair with other items for upcoming meals.

Next, designate time to steam, roast, sauté or bake whatever you have on hand–all in one go!

Recently, I prepped several sides, then combined them later. 

Here’s what I prepped:

  • Steamed broccoli
  • Sautéed mushrooms
  • Roasted butternut squash
  • Baked sweet potatoes

Roasted Butternut Squash

How did I combine them?

So far, I pan seared slices of baked sweet potatoes and drizzled them with honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon. 

Sweet potatoes

On a different day, I sautéed some of the pre-prepped mushrooms and butternut squash—I added a handful of fresh spinach to round it out.

Neither of these meals took more than 5 minutes—excluding the salmon which took a few additional minutes to wash, season and bake.

Anyway, let me know what you think in comments!

Check out the video!

Real Good Food: Let’s Chat While I Make Lasagna: I Apologize in Advance To My Lovely Italian Friends!

‘Homemade Lasagna’

Come on in the kitchen with me while I cook this lasagna!

We’ll go out on the porch and chat while we wait for it to bake.

Now, before I go any further let me formally apologize to my Italian friends for the ‘abomination’ that I am presenting today.

Let’s be real, the lasagna that I made is the ugly step-sister to the real thing.

Bella, I am sorry!

Though I would love to…

  • Grow and can my own tomatoes
  • Make the pasta from scratch
  • Spend at least 8 hours making the ‘gravy’

Alas, I just ain’t able!

So, again, I apologize!

I only wish that I will someday be blessed to enjoy an authentic lasagna made with such love and care!

Until then, this one will have to do.

But, you know what?

Cooking with love and patience is not just an Italian thing!

(Though I will admit that they have taken the concept to grand heights.)


Cooking with love and patience is worldwide!

Flat out, in every country in the world you will find people of every make and model who are extremely meticulous about the foods that they procure–not to mention how they prepare them.

In fact, as you read this post, there are magickal concoctions being lovingly planned and served by folks everywhere!

And now, I ask, what concoction is your country known for?

Let’s discuss in comments.

Meanwhile, enjoy the video!

Clocks, Bells, Villagers and Watchmen

A throwback from a couple of years ago to acknowledge the change of seasons! Expect more from me coming very soon! Happy Fall Y’all!

Seek The Best Blog


***This post is a follow up toFirst of the Fall

In “First of the Fall,” I shared that Lady J and I were planning to enjoy thefirst day of fall.

And we did!

First, we went to the Hamlet of Subway in order to secure provisions for a leisurely lunch in the park.

After examining their menu, we decided to purchasea portion of roasted beast atop flattened bread-replete with any number and kind ofvegetables from the farmer’s harvest.

Best believe we added a tankard of sweet tea and a bag of chips 😉

I’mpartial to salt and vinegar! Lady J opted for BBQkettle chips.


After leaving the good people at Subway, Lady J and Ibegan a journey that ended at a local park.

There we commenced to enjoy our meal and take in the day.

But, alas, a bell began to toll!


Lady J was immediately startled-yet intrigued!

View original post 327 more words

Collard Greens Staked in Containers | Greens From Daddy’s Patio: LadyG & Daddy Fuss | (S.2 Ep.2)

Collard Greens staked in containers from LadyG and Daddy’s garden

In this video, I decided to harvest some collard greens from our garden. Daddy starts fussing at me for not cutting the collards closer to the stalk.

He swears that I “left enough food on the plant for a baby.”

After the harvest, the collards, which grow upward like a little tree, had to be staked in order to keep them growing straight–we don’t want them to lean and break.

At any rate, I am including my own “closed caption” in the video because Daddy talks low and he has a very deep Southeast Alabama accent; hell, he makes me sound like I’m from New York–and that takes some doing!

***Caveat: I didn’t caption everything he said—I want to tune your ear to our beautiful dialect!

Good luck with that!

By the way, don’t let the accent fool you, my Dad tested high enough on the ASVAB (or whatever the equivalent was at that time) to go to Air Force flight school–and he was only 17!

Sadly, a physical injury kept him out.

That said, we might talk slow but we ain’t no dummies!


Anyway, at one point in the video, you’ll hear me cuss–but don’t worry, Daddy had walked off for a second to get the water hose–he couldn’t hear me.

That was more of an inside joke between me and my son who was acting as my camera man. LOL!

And now…

Watch and listen to all the antics in the video on harvesting and showing our collards staked in their containers.

Cooking Tips, Garden Talk, Juicing Complaints and Spiritual Guidance In Less Than Three Minutes

LadyG’s famous collard greens with ham

Today, I am in a random mood so I decided to cull together a few cooking tips along with some pictures from my garden and a quick talk about spirit.

Peep below to get the goods!

Be warned, there’s a bit of salty talk (cussing) in this video. So if you have delicate ears or you are under a certain age–chile, please move on and know that LadyG loves you anyway.

And now…


A Family Conversation: Family Traditions, Beliefs and Superstitions (Part III) New Year’s Day 2020! Where’d We Go Wrong? Why New Year’s Day Brings Feelings of Forboding

Photo by Pixabay on

“A Family Conversation” is a storytelling audio series that features weekly discussions between blogging cousins LadyG and Ron Brown on current events along with favorite posts from each other’s blog.

Updated 2/7/2021

Adult Language

I’m asking the above questions because we can all agree that The Year of Our Lord 2020, was, for all intents and purposes, a neon nuclear dumpster fire to the millionth power!

That said, we must ask ourselves what in the hell did we DO or FORGET to do on New Year’s Day 2020?

I heard somebody say, “pray!”

Yeah, well that’s a given—chile we pray ev-ery-day up in here!

Alas, since we’re still amongst the living, I’d say that we did receive our most sincere plea!

Praise HIM!


Hell, after the first week of 2021, I was beginning to wonder, once again, how I might have broken rules of superstition on New Year’s Day 2021.  

Fortunately, I only had to go back seven days.

As far as I could tell I was good.

So there’s that.

At any rate…

Please join us as we continue our family conversation on New Year’s Day traditions and superstitions. 

We’re talking about:

  1. Ron’s illness
  2. More traditions, kissing and orgies
  3. Ron is SINGLE and ready to mingle!
  4. “Merry Christmas and a Prospect New Year!” 
  5. The “First Footer” and a nod to Scotland.  Learn more about “The First Footer” at The Time Tunnel
  6. What Ron’s sister, Aleshia, told “The First Footer” on New Year’s Day 2021
  7. Where’d we go wrong New Year’s Day 2020
  8. New Year’s was NOT a celebration for enslaved blacks. Therefore, we wonder if the following little known fact explains feelings of foreboding–which prompted superstitious rituals among blacks?
    1. Learn about the dreadful tradition of “Heart Break Day, Hiring Day” which occurred on January 1st.
  9. The “Watchnight” Tradition for New Year’s Eve 1862/ Day 1863
  10. Empathy for the brutality experienced by other human beings
  11. Ron implores us to learn our history

Of course, our original inspiration was this post from LadyG.


Part I

Part II

Time Magazine Article:  ‘The Slaves Dread New Year’s Day the Worst’: The Grim History of January 

Halloween Edition of A Family Conversation: Everyday People Engage in Folk Magick All The Time & “The Client” (Part II)

A Family Conversation, an ongoing conversation between blogging cousins, Ron Brown and Lady G, is celebrating the time of year when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds becomes paper thin.


More magick and mystery with the cousins!

With prompting from “The Client,” today we’re talking about:

  • The risks involved in seeking spiritual/ magickal guidance
  • Everyday people blending magick with religious and spiritual practices
  • “Shut your mouth powder” on the shelf in the back
  • Whether or not governments practice magick
  • Whether or not you have to believe in a spell to be affected by it
  • Psychosomatic or psychogenic or NEITHER
  • A warning to men about eating spaghetti sauce, chili and gumbo made by women they are casually dating
  • The mind as a powerful thing!
  • Thinner by Stephen King
  • Taking a measured approach to magick
  • Staying out of other folks business
  • Things worse than death
