A Better Way To Meal Prep

LadyG’s butternut squash, mushroom and spinach medley with baked salmon


Don’t waste your time prepping the same or similar meals for a week in advance!

Consider prepping several items in bulk in order to create various combinations so that your taste buds will remain happily stimulated.

Personally, I often prep sides in advance, but I prepare my meats just prior to meal time.  

Steamed Brocolli

For me, it’s a matter of preference since I can’t appreciate the taste of certain meats/seafoods after they have been cooked and reheated—especially in the microwave.

That said, feel free to cook your meat in bulk if that works better for you. 

Of course you could also leave the meat off and make it vegetarian/vegan.

It’s all up to you!

Seriously, you can do this!

Just think about all of the produce that many of us buy and ultimately waste because we didn’t take the time to cook it before it spoiled.

Use that good food!

Here’s a plan:

Go through your fridge/storage bins and find some vegetables that you can prepare in bulk to pair with other items for upcoming meals.

Next, designate time to steam, roast, sauté or bake whatever you have on hand–all in one go!

Recently, I prepped several sides, then combined them later. 

Here’s what I prepped:

  • Steamed broccoli
  • Sautéed mushrooms
  • Roasted butternut squash
  • Baked sweet potatoes

Roasted Butternut Squash

How did I combine them?

So far, I pan seared slices of baked sweet potatoes and drizzled them with honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon. 

Sweet potatoes

On a different day, I sautéed some of the pre-prepped mushrooms and butternut squash—I added a handful of fresh spinach to round it out.

Neither of these meals took more than 5 minutes—excluding the salmon which took a few additional minutes to wash, season and bake.

Anyway, let me know what you think in comments!

Check out the video!

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