Message from 1982!

Daddy had a yellow 260-z in 1982



I am still in 1982 and here’s how I spent my day today.

In no particular order:

I went to watch this good looking older guy name Jariah  my brother’s little league game.

Ate some meatloaf with mashed potatoes and some turnip greens.

Fed my dogs (Princess and Demon.)

Climbed my favorite tree and sat on my tree-bench.

Ever heard of a tree-bench?

It’s a long story–ask me about it in comments.

Anyway, I sat on my bench and thought about how much fun it would be to live on a magical star.

Recorded a few songs off the radio.

Was pissed off because the damned DJ started talking right in the middle of “Walk” by The Time–CURSES!

Watched “Bosom Buddies”–Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari are hilarious.

Read one of Mama’s “Jet” Magazines.

Watched a rerun of “The Fish That Saved Pittsburg.”

Asked Daddy why train engines sound so funny when they have to go in reverse.

And now…

I’m getting ready for bed!

I can’t wait to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow!

See y’all when 2016 becomes more hospitable.


Here’s a little something from my cassette tape.

Video Credit:  Funk Nation

Important Note:

I’m in an alternate version of the last 1982 we had.

It’s a whole lot better than the old one was 🙂

Holler if you want to join me 🙂

I’ll make sure you get directions!

Lady G 😘💋








45 thoughts on “Message from 1982!

  1. ronbrownx

    Sorry I’m late. I exited “THE TIME TUNNEL” through the wrong wormhole. I must have come out during the Jim Crow era, cause everybody was upset bout some guy named Trump, gonna send everybody brown, back to their “motherlands”.

    Oh well, I’m here now. I see ya’ll funkin round here….Nice one Cuz.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been trying to think of a couple of my favourite tracks from ’82, and I think I’d have to include the shouty Dexy’s ‘Come On Eileen’ and my first encounter of that fantastic Dire Straits number ‘Private Investigations’ – one line that particularly rang true ‘You get to meet all sorts in this line of work’.
    On the other hand we had Adam Ant.
    Nice one.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wanna climb along the time machine with you 🙂 I used to climb trees and drop water balloons on unsuspecting motorists turning the corner below me….one irate gentleman yelled at me and told my parents…after that, no balloon fun in trees…those were the days 🙂 I saw your tree bench answer so won’t ask a second time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Woebegone but Hopeful

    DJs who talk over music!
    Crime against music loving humanity! I remember one odious UK DJ doing that and saying “There! That’s messed up your tape hasn’t it?” and laughing.
    Life had its revenge, eventually he lost his job.
    Sounds like a nice ’82 you’re in there Gwin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Roger!
      That is hilarious! I often thought that they knew what they were doing by interrupting the song! LOL!!
      I believe it’s getting close to bed time for you my friend 🙂
      Good night and rest well!


  5. T. Wayne

    1982 was a fun year. I was 16. Hangin’ out on the street, listening to this blasting from damn near every car…

    Didn’t have a car of my own yet though. So I was still walking to school, dressed to the nines. Ties, button down shirts with collar bars, and a fresh pair of baggies 🙂


    1. Yaaay! I’m so glad you liked it! Girl, I simply cannot with 2016, so I had to leave!
      I would love to read more about how you might have spent a day in ’82 in Bermuda with your Grandmother 🙂
      I’ll bet that really was a lovely time in your life.
      Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Do come back!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah!
      Those were some good times! I picked that year because it was the last year when everybody in my family that I knew was still alive (All grandparents and an uncle).
      I fancy myself calling them up to say hello anytime I want to 🙂 LOL!

      The first comment on this post asked about the ‘tree bench’ just scroll up to the top and you’ll see my response 🙂
      Always good to see you, M’Lady!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s great to reminisce and it’s the time now as you get older that loved ones start leaving us. Writing about them is one way to “call them up” and thanks for sharing with us all. You know, I had quite a rough time growing up, and so I have tended to focus on all the bad stuff, but your posts and your effervescent personality is changing my attitude to life, I am now trying to remember the good stuff, because there was some, although bad stuff seems to overshadow them. Thanks Lady G for reminding me that life can be fun. Lady Marie 🙂


  6. Lady G, your esteemed highness, I thought that when I took on the mantle of Lady Marie, a solemn oath was sworn that we would pay due respect to each other’s postings. I find to my chagrin that yesterday I wrote a post fully expecting to see some sort of comment from you, but alas none awaits me. How can this be Lady G? Has Trump Syndrome taken its toll on you and when can I expect to hear from you again. OK, I’m just plain missin’ you and me too proud fe say so! I sure would like to know whats goan on down there in Georgia … hahahahhahah

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww…..I miss you too and yes I am bummed about the whole Trump thing–hence my retreat back to 1982!
      I just had to laugh when you said you missed me in Patois!
      I’ll definitely be over soon to read your post. You know how much I admire your work.
      BTW, beggin’ your pardon Ma’am but you is a lil’ behind on yo’ readin’ too. I ain’t seent your pretty lil face on none of my posts in the “Flowering Vine Series.” I shole did wanna know what choo thought about it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Why Lady G, I sho is beggin’ yo pardon for not gracin’ yo blog with ma pretty lil face. Why thank you mose kindly! Why ahh been so busy at my deah auntie’s funeral laas week an’ I aint had no time to be blaggin’. I sho hope dat you kan fine it in yo dear lil heart to overlook this minor indiscretion on ma part?
        I’ll be right ova, jus as soon as I get a chance!
        Hey lissen sista no mek Trump badda you likkel head. Im no worti. (worth it). If you is a belibba, get dung pon you knees an’ pray say de 4 likkel years wey im inna powwa, fly by. You hear wey me say? LOL


  7. So the Datsun 280 ZX was a car I used to dream about! Along with the Porsche 944. You like Bosom Buddies, too? I always thought Tom Hanks was trying to be Bill Murray. What is a tree bench? My friends and I used to hang out at the church playground and sit in this jungle gym type thing shaped like a UFO. I think I am liking 1982. Do you mind the company? I want to hang here until 2016 chills the f*$! out.
    See ya on the flip side!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep! We had the predecessor which was the 260 z! My dad taught me how to shift gears in that car 🙂
      And yes, me and Mama loved to watch “Bosom Buddies.”
      Sounds like you were having fun too during those days.
      And, girl you know you are welcome to come hang with me in Alternative Universe ’82. LOL!!
      BTW, check out my explanation of a tree bench in response to the first comment on this post :)–just scroll all the way up 🙂
      Glad you dropped by-as always 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I hear you!

    So in 1982 I was born, by the way you look even younger than me ;). But ten years later, I was sitting in a tree (without a bench), and dreamed of going to the moon after renting Space Camp.

    I lived in a duplex right outside the Bay area. Fried chicken with mash potatoes maybe a green bean loaded with ketchup was what I ate. My friends and I couldn’t afford a Nintendo, movies were recorded from TV. We danced to every song on Rhythm Nation, and admittedly sang “End of the Road” to our hearts content. Such good times, right?

    Thanks for the memories. I needed that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww…you are so sweet and so young 🙂 LOL!!!
      I loved reading your point of view. It’s great knowing that things really didn’t change much between ’82 and ’92.
      Little girls still ate a home cooked meal and dreamed from treetops!
      Those really were some good time!
      Glad this post brought you a little sunshine and some good memories 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL!!! Hey B!!!
      Good to see you love!
      I’m glad you asked about the tree bench!
      Here goes…
      When I was a kid, I used to love to climb trees so my dad took two 2×4 boards and nailed them crosswise on a branch.
      It was the perfect seat just for me!
      Though he was capable, he had neither the time nor the money to build a full treehouse.

      Liked by 3 people

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