Clocks, Bells, Villagers and Watchmen



                               ***This post is a follow up to  First of the Fall

In “First of the Fall,” I shared that Lady J and I were planning to enjoy the first day of fall.

And we did!

First, we went to the Hamlet of Subway in order to secure provisions for a leisurely lunch in the park.

After examining their menu, we decided to purchase a portion of roasted beast atop flattened bread-replete with any number and kind of vegetables from the farmer’s harvest.

Best believe we added a tankard of sweet tea and a bag of chips 😉

I’m partial to salt and vinegar! Lady J opted for BBQ kettle chips.


After leaving the good people at Subway, Lady J and I began a journey that ended at a local park.

There we commenced to enjoy our meal and take in the day.

But, alas, a bell began to toll!


Lady J was immediately startled-yet intrigued!

What, pray tell, was that ruckus?

Naturally, I told her that it was the town’s bell informing the villagers that the time was, indeed, 12:00!

After the 12th stroke, Lady J queried, “Aren’t you glad that it’s 12:00 in the day and NOT 12:00 midnight?”

To which I immediately responded, “I know right?!”

But, then, a strange thing happened.

Another bell in the village began to strike 12.

Then, shortly after that one stopped, yet another!

Methinks the bells are out of sync!

What to do?

Oh well!  We decided that it might be best to consult with The Lord of I-Phone.

Problem solved!


And, to Lady J’s point, we were able to happily confirm that it was 12:00 midday  and NOT 12:00 midnight.

At any rate, the conversation took a slight shift to the days of yore when nightfall was, indeed, a very scary time. In fact, we rode that train of thought right into tales of the nightwatchmen who were tasked with walking about the town in order to insure the safety of the community.

No street lights.

No cell phones.

No cars.

Say whaaa????

Just a man with a candle or lantern and maybe some sort of primitive contraption for self defense–or as Lady J said, “A stick!”

Predecessors to law enforcement!

After giving it some thought, we both concluded that neither of us were cut out for such a task.

Apparently neither are some of them dirty police out there shooting innocent Black men dead for no reason…

But I digress.


The ladies agreed that the time had come to take leave of the park.

And thus ended a wonderful conversation and a lovely lunch.



Have you guys ever heard of the Nightwatchman of Rothenburg in Germany?  I saw Rick Steves raving about it.

Has anybody been on that tour or a similar one?

I am definitely going to put a nightwatchman tour on my bucket list!  I love stuff like that!

I told y’all I was a geek!  LOL!






48 thoughts on “Clocks, Bells, Villagers and Watchmen

  1. There is such a lovely story here and so quaintly told. Your description of the detail in the story allows us to savor and linger through the park with you and little Miss.
    I get the serious drift you took as well. Funny, my younger daughter was educating me yesterday about the American word for police. Your reference here reminds me of my first reading books when I started school. Having been a British colony, those books were filled with the British concept of police. The stories encouraged you to approach the police if you were lost as a child. This is definitely not what one would encourage these days. It is sad that the role of the police is perceived and experienced so differently. It spoils our stories for our children but it is also sad for those police who try to uphold their duty with honor and dignity. Above all, it is tragic for innocent victims of all the isms!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello my sweet! Thank you! How I wished that you were there with us during our lunch in the park.
      And you know, it is tragic how children used to be able to feel comfortable approaching a police officer. Not so now!
      And you are absolutely right, it makes things harder for good officers.
      Seems like the way things are now, all of the good is getting lumped with the bad.
      How tragic is that.
      But, as I said to you elsewhere, I refuse to accept that as my reality so I shall continue to happily create a new and different one.
      Good night love!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s a refreshing take on the meaning of “A walk in the park” my dear. Btw – you didn’t know that I teleported and was watching the two of you from my tree hiding place. Oh! what adventures I had as a child that children don’t experience enough of these days. We needed police officers we could trust.

        But I agree – we need not be victims and feel helpless. There is always something we can do.
        Yep – it’s time for me to sign off! Goodnight from my end Sweetheart 🌹

        Liked by 1 person

  2. T. Wayne

    Such a lovely trip out! I had a smile on my face from the first words in this post! Your Subway description had me cracking up!

    Loved the picture of the tree; looks like some fall colors have already begun (or it just might be my bad eyesight)…

    Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Twin! Since we are Twins I was pretty sure that you would enjoy this outing.
      And yes, it is beginning to look like fall already.
      Did you catch my observation about the po po? I just had to Twin!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I love nuts and diamond makes a can of almonds that literally makes you drool for the strength of the salt and vinegar…I can’t buy them anymore…I eat the whole can 🙂 not a bad thing….just bad for my hips 🙂 ha!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Susan. If I can conjure any bit of imagery that is reminiscent of Twilight Zone then I know I’m doing something right! LOL!!!
      I love that series 🙂
      Glad you stopped by. I am headed over your way to see what you’re up to.


  3. Tareau Barron

    Great post and great photos. Soooooooooooo elephant in the room……Lady G and Brotha Ron was there any egg nog sippin’ going on? Shiftless negros in the west coast wanna know!! *waits anxiously while sipping some tea watching Wendy Williams* how’s that for shiftless ahhahaahaah.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Did he just call Lady G out!
      Oh yes he DID!!!!
      You are a stone cold trip Tareau!!!
      You got me rolling for real!!!!!
      I guess you had a nap, what with all dat egg nog drankin and goin’ on this mornin’!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Woebegone but Hopeful

    I enjoyed tagging along behind (in time sort of way). That was a nice day out!
    The clocks being out of synch reminded me of a small place I lived in back in the 1960s. There was a small, small-town library with a clock which was supposed to chime at the hour, quarter of an hour and half an hour- that did this sort of thing.
    9.00am in the morning; it would show the time as 9.45 and chime 4.00 (am or pm it never let on). Sometimes it would get tired and stop, then when rested would start up again, and forget what chime it had made last time. I don’t think they ever repaired it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is hilarious. That clock had personality.
      In our case it seemed as if the clocks were competing– each saying, “I’ve got the right time!”
      “No, I do!”
      “I’m the correct one!”
      We thought it was funny 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. ronbrownx

    Thanks for the outing Cuz. I enjoyed spending the day with you and Lady J. Do you remember the bells that rang at noon at the big church in downtown Eufaula; ding, dong, ding, dong; dong, dong, ding, dong! HATED IT!

    The bells were something I only heard in Eufaula, and I hated being in Eufaula.

    We have a clock in the tower of the “old courthouse”, just off of the “squircle” in Cuthbert, very similar to the one in your first picture. The hands on the clock have read 7 O’clock since time in perpetuity.

    Oh well, at least time seemed to have passed pleasantly for you and the little Lady!

    Liked by 2 people

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